3: Nonstop Bickerings

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Chapter 03: Nonstop Bickerings

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Chapter 03: Nonstop Bickerings.

"...AND then I was like what the hell? How can this happen? You can't lock me out of my own house, and that's when I realised I was so drunk I didn't realise that I went to the wrong house!"

KIM TAEHYUNG finished the sentence with a smug laugh that you knew all too well, but you knew even better to not ask him about it, else he won't stop talking till the end of time. Not that he will wait for your question anyways. Your best friend was quite the talker.

"Tae, I want to tell you something." You tried telling him.

"...And you know what was worse? The fact that it was not only a wrong house- it was Sonam's house. Now you tell me, why the fuck did I drive there?"

"Uh, how will I know? Also, will you please listen to me?"

"...Probably because I am not over her yet. Do you think so too?" He scrunched his nose and tried to make sense of this whole situation, which happened like a week ago.

"Well, Maybe."

"Why are your replies so boring?" He retorted and turned to face towards you and his face immediately softened after looking at how annoyed you were.

"Was I talking too much again?" He softly said and you simply smiled back. No matter how annoyed he made you sometimes he was the only person closest to you. You guys went way back from 6th grade where you both argued over a stupid something, and you've both been strong ever since.

"No worries. Also, something very weird happened since when I moved in." You gushed, wanting to tell him about the whole singing in the shower with your neighbour situation.

"Speaking of moving in, this place is amazing. I'm loving all the tiny decors. Don't mind me if I move in with you sometime soon, after you're done with setting up the whole thing." He chucked.

"You know what, never mind." You said and threw a pillow at him which he caught with ease.

"You know why I came here, right? Go get ready! We need to buy furniture for you!"

"I just need to take a shower." You sassed back.

"That only. Now go! Go! Go!" He says while pushing you to your room and closing the door.

"About that... I'm not so sure" you muttered under your breath.

You then quickly glanced at the time, realising that there wasn't a lot of time left you immediately stripped yourself off your clothes and entered the shower. You turned on the warm, hot water and let it hit your body, waves of relaxation calming you after.

"I see we've met again." A familiar voice echoed.

Author note: hello loves.
New character in the book! What do you guys think of Taehyung? I personally find his character adorable, lol. But poor y/n, she has to deal with his nonstop talkings!
Question if you're still reading: how old are you? I'd love to know how old you all are.

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