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A/N: You're a boy in this, names stay the same


Solomon has been acting up lately, ever since (name) (boy name) joined the resistance. He was a year older than her, but that didn't matter. Mostly everyone in the resistance was older than her, except for Sheba. Sheba held a grudge against (name) once Solomon took interest in him. (Name) never noticed anything different, everyone was the same since day one.

"Solo-chan." that was your nickname for her, she liked it a lot but acted annoyed whenever you called her by it. "Could you help me with something?"

"D-don't call me Solo-chan!" she squeaked. "A-anyway, what do you need help with?"

"Follow me." you began to walk away and she followed. You lead her to your room. You both sat on the bed and...

You began to remove your shirt....

Solomon didn't notice until she turned to you. Her face turned red immediately when she saw your perfect abs. What were you planning on doing? Solomon's mind went blank. Her eyes were so focused on your abs that nothing could pull her attention away from it.

"Oi, Solo-chan. You okay?" (name) asked her. She returned to her original state.

"Y-yeah... why did you take off your shirt?" she asked looking away, obviously blushing.

"Oh, isn't it obvious?" her head slowly turned to yours. "Because I wanna sleep with you~" you winked. It took Solomon some time to process what you had said. Once it was fully analysed, she got up and left. Closed your door and ran down the hall screaming.

Her screams caused a huge commotion. Everyone either thought the resistance was being attacked, or (name) took of his shirt in front of her.

"Solomon what's wrong?" Setta jumped in front of her, stopping her from moving.

"You mostly not like this..." Falan said walking in. "Unless~" he added.

"It's n-not just that! He said he wanted to s-s-s" Solomon stuttered.

"S-s-s-s What?!" Ithnan jumped in.

"S-sleep with me..." she whispered. Everyone obviously heard and reacted with a loud-

"DO IT THEN!" there reaction shocked Solomon, she would mostly understand it from Falan, but not the other two. "Goooo!" Ithnan said as she pushed Solomon in the direction she was running from.

"Good luck~" Setta winked and walked away with the others.

Good luck huh? Her comrade was wishing her luck, she turned and was about to run back to the room, but she was stopped when (name) shadow was covering her.

"Solo-chan, I am so sorry. I didn't know you'd react that way," (name) chuckled. He was still shirtless. "Anyway, I was originally going to ask you if you could heal this bite mark Sheba gave me." He turned around and showed her.

"Sheba did that?" (name) nodded in response. "O-okay."


After healing (name) wound. They seated in the library. (Name) was resting on Solomon's thighs while she was trying to distract herself with a book. They remained silent for a long time. Then (name) asked. "Hey... remember the first time I met you?"

Solomon's face turned red again. The first time they met was so embarrassing. "Yes I do." she mumbled.

"I was new to the resistance. You all rescued me from the Gunud tower, which I am grateful for." he paused for a moment. Solomon wondered why, a hit of blush emerged on (name) face. "I was a dirty. Once you all brought me here, I immediately went to take a shower."

"Yeah... I wanted to introduce you to everyone, but you were gone. So I searched for you." Solomon smiled. "I searched everywhere except for the showers. When I finally got there..."


"You were naked from head to toe."

"Yeah!" (name) quickly picked himself up and sat next to Solomon, pulling her close to him. "You were staring at my body for so long, it was kind of awkward."

"I was just admiring your abs..." she mumbled.

"Yeah your were." (name) heard what she had said. "Ever since that day you always acted weird around me."

"I d-did?"

"Yeah... It was kinda fun to play around with you like that."

"Taking your shirt off every time we were together somewhere is not fun. How is it fun anyway?"

"Well seeing you abandon your serious attitude and bringing out your embarrassed is fun. So!" (name) turned her face to his. "I'm going to keep my shirt off all the time, or where something more revealing."

Solomon stood up again and exited the library, closing the door behind her again and ran down the halls screaming.

Sheba kicked the library door opened, with a mad expression. "What did you do?!"

"From now on I'm keeping my shirt off or wear something more revealing." You smiled brightly.


A/N: I use the word "Yeah" a lot.

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