Part 3

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Dean crouched in front of Ollie, meeting her curious green eyes with his own. They examined each other for a moment, and it wasn't until Ollie smiled, did you realize you were holding your breath. He held out his hand in greeting, his lips formed into a crooked grin also very similar to hers.

"Hi," he said and shook her little hand gingerly. "I'm Dean. I'm—uh—an old friend of your moms."

"Hi," she replied shyly, and looked over at you unsure of what to do or say next. You nodded slightly, trying to encourage her with just the look. Ollie understood and turned back to him. "Nice to meet you."

"Your mom told me a lot about you. I'm really excited that I finally get to meet you," he said, releasing her hand and standing back up. He glanced at you before looking over at Jim who was quietly seething beneath the surface. Ignoring him, his attention went back to Ollie whose head was tilted to one side taking him.

You knew that look on her face all too well. She was trying to figure out what to make of him, but with Jim hovering, she instinctively knew better than to show too much interest.

"It was nice to meet you, too. I should go get my books, we have to get to the library."

"Yeah, we really should get a move on, honey," Jim encouraged in his best happy-dad voice, fooling no one, but Ollie.

"Hey, uh, maybe Dean could help you find them. I need to talk to dad for a second, anyway." You turned your gaze to Dean. "They may be on the top shelf of her closet, and she can't reach. Do you mind?"

"No," he replied quickly and looked to Ollie. "Is that okay?"

She shrugged and nodded.

You smiled your best happy-mommy smile and sweetly pinched on her cheek. "Thanks, kiddo."

"I'm great at hunting things down," Dean teased, catching your eye roll and smirk from the corner of his eye. "Come on kiddo, lead the way. Let's go find your books."

Dean drew in a shaky breath as he followed Ollie up the steps. It wasn't like he didn't imagine this moment; he had many, many times ever since (Y/N) told him about her before he went to Hell. Now that it was here though, he felt more nervous than he ever did facing any monster or situation, including Hell.

Most nights, he would try to imagine different scenarios in which he would be face-to-face with her, and each one ended with something he never thought he'd get... a hug from his kid. He wondered about her constantly—what did she like to eat, what shows did she like, what was her favorite book, did she like cars or rock music? It was a constant stream of consciousness that he didn't have any answers to, until now.

Though he'd been at (Y/N)'s house since last night, he never thought to go in and look around Ollie's room. When he followed her in there and saw the décor, he knew, without a doubt, that Ollie was very much his daughter.

The room was tidy, and if he didn't already know, he never would have thought it was a little girl's room. It was painted a light gray with pale blue accents. Along the walls, instead of princesses, makeup and dolls were posters of dragons, superheroes and video game characters. There were assembled Lego sets that adorned the book shelves and a large plastic set of drawers that had stickers of the small building blocks all over it.

"You're a fan of Legos, huh?" he asked, his eyes trying to take it all in.

"I love them. That's why my dad and I have to get to the library. Two Saturdays a month is Lego club and today I am building the plans I drew up."

"Whoa, you made your own plans? What did you make?" he asked as she opened the closet door for him.

"I made blueprints to build my own Batmobile," she shrugged, as if it was no big deal. "Those dummies Troy and Scott said I couldn't do it. So, I did it to prove I could."

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