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Chloe woke up and laid in her bed for a few minuets thinking about everything.

About how she was really excited for auditions today and she really hopes Beca comes.

It's just something about Beca puts her in a better mood. Makes her happier but also like she can't focus on anything BUT Beca when she's around.

Yet she wants to spend everyday with her . But she can't really talk to her without stuttering and grinning the whole time.

She also can't get over the fact that she bragged into her shower.

and it didn't bother Beca a whole lot she also can't get her off her mind yet when she sees her.

her heart drops like she knows her but yet she doesn't.

She was so lost in her thoughts she didn't even realize that Aubrey had been calling her name for the last 10 minuets now.

"Chloe?? Hello?" Aubrey said why won't she answer me? What could she possibly be thinking about that's more important then today?

And plus she's Chloe, she always answers me, her best friend.

"Chloe?"  Aubrey said one last time "w-what" Chloe said as she snapped out of her thoughts about Beca.

"Whatca thinking about?" Aubrey asked "Oh I just can't get" Chloe looked at the time "Aubrey!! It's 2:30 you let me take a longer nap then I told you too!! We have to be down there ready to go at 2:45"

chloe said scrambling out of bed and went straight to the closest.

"That's why I was calling your name for like 10 minuets but you wouldn't answer"

Aubrey said facing the ginger who was making a mess of the closet she just cleaned  "that long really? I was more lost in my thoughts then I thought".

Chloe said striping her clothes off and throwing the shirt and pants she had just picked out "Yeah so what was on your mind?"

Aubrey asked "No time! We gotta go!!" Chloe said looking at the time on her phone "it's 2:34 we need to leave now".

Chloe said "It only took you 4? Minutes to make a mess of the closet That took me an hour to  clean".

Aubrey said with a half joking have serious smile "Come on!" Chloe grabbed Aubrey's arm and pulled her out of the room and they went down to where they needed to be.

Beca was down at the radio station with Jesse and like normal, he was being his kinda cute dorky self while Beca just kept working "Hey Beca" Luke said walking out of the both "Luke?" Beca said putting the last CD in her hand on the self and turned to face him.

"Would you like to take over on spring brake?" Luke asked as he was staring into Becas eyes and Beca couldn't tell if it was an I love you type of way or I'm taken so back off look but it's not the first she's gotten it.

"Yeah!! Of course actually that'll be fun" Beca said excitedly and turned back around and started stacking more CDS.

Beca you can take your brake now" Luke said "What time is it?" Beca asked "3:30" Jessie said.

"Crap!!" Beca grabbed her stuff and ran out the door Jessie looked confused then followed cause he as to be at the troublemakers auditions like now.

They ran all the way across the filed and into the school. They walked threw the doors and Jessie went right into the auditorium.

Beca just stood outside out of breath deciding weather or not if she really should be in an A cappella group or not.

A few minuets before
Chloe couldn't focus at all, every time someone finished she'd hope Beca was up next and it never was

. She couldn't concentrate on how the person cruelty singing voice sounded she was to busy looking to see if she could see Beca and the words Chloe didn't want to hear until after she saw Beca and just been said.

"There are no more auditions"  Chloe felt sadness instantly, she had such an amazing voice, why wouldn't she want people to know about it?

And also Chloe wanted to spend more time with her.

Beca walked out on stage a little bit in view maybe I shouldn't, this is a really bad ide- "there's one more".

Chloe said feeling like her whole world had been flipped around again but in a good way.

Beca came on the stage "I didn't know we had to prepare that song " Beca said kind of shyly "Sing anything you like" .

Chloe said hoping she sing titanium since she never sang it in the shower for her.

Beca sat on the stage and pointed at the cup Chloe was drinking out of "May I?" She asked Chloe drank the little bit of water that was left in the cup and handed it to Beca.

Beca took the cup putting it upside down and started doing the cup song. 

Chloe got lost in the song she was staring at Beca and looking deep into her eyes and really into the song.

Beca looked up at chloe once she was done and smiled. Chloe felt her stomach do a weird flip and her heart dropped she smiled really big then looked at Aubrey.

Who had a annoyed look on her face. "We'll get back to you" Chloe said looking back at Beca "Thanks" Beca walked off the stage and went back into the hallway. 

I mean it went pretty good and maybe with my luck Aubrey won't wanna put me in the Bellas I mean that look on her face she clearly hates me.

It took Beca the whole walk to her dorm to realize she still had Chloe's cup in her hand.

She looked at the time and decided to go back down there to give Chloe her cup back.

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