You Belong with ME : Chapter ONE

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  • Dedicated kay Catherine Zoleta




Oh, that damn clock again. She reached for it, without opening her eyes (as a lazy person would.) She swipe her hands on the cabinet just beside the bed, trying to turn it off. But instead of taking the noise out of that effin' clock, she hit the penholder, causing some ballpen and pencils to fall.

She didn't care, too sleepy to do so.

She then continued to reach for the clock, and finally, succeeded.

"Hah. . .", She streched her hands, forcing her body to get the way out of that bed, yawning. It was like a love story every morning. She and the bed, who's deeply in love and that selfish clock pulling them away from each other. Oh well, enough of blaming that poor clock. She have to go to school.

She arranged the fallen pens on the holder and get her way to the bathroom. She reached for her towel and opened the door, closed it, and then took a bath. And there she was again, wondering the mysteries of life. If there would be someone who would took most of her time thinking about random things than actually taking a bath, that would be HER. Minutes later she wore her clothes, get everything she need, then go to school.

It's five thirty in the morning when she arrived. Some of the freshmen and sophomores are there already. On the other hand, not even one of her classmates - nor batchmates are there. So she just entered the room, turned the lights and fans on, and seated on a chair just beside the door.

A minute later there she was again, day dreaming. And that is what she hate  the most about having crushes and stuffs - - - Hey! Wait a minute, should I told you about that? Nah, I don't think so. Anyway. . . So, yeah. It all started at a certain time called she-don't-know. But she's quite sure this was just infatuation, not love - she don't want to experience that "thing", it's kinda crazy. Well at least it's just a secret. As she said, "This is a secret of me, for me, and only me."

"Hey." Going back to the real world, someone entered the room. Just a classmate - - - Yeah. Pretty much.

"Hey. . ." he said with a cheerful voice, as usual.

"What?" she replied, ALMOST ignoring him.

He seated on a chair beside her. "C'mon! Some energy please. . ."

Finally, she turned around to look at him, sighed and said, "Lucas," she paused for a second then continued, ". . .if there was someone who have that kind of energy that you possess except you, we both know that that's definitely NOOOT me. I repeat, NOT ME."

"Awww.." And there he is with that smile again. If he only new that a little more of that would probably kill her. . . "C'mon, Tay. Gimme a hug." He spread his arms wide. "Let me give you some of my ENERGY."

"HA-HA. As if that's possible."

"So. . ." He took a deep breath. "Miss Grumpy's not in the mood again, eh?" He moved closer to her. "Tell me, what's the problem?"

"Nothi- - -" Before she could finish, Lucas said, "NOTHING?".

"Yep. Nothing." Sure, nothing. If NOTHING was the synonym of EVERYTHING.

"C'mon. We've beeen friends for years. Like since we were born." He said to her then smiled.

FRIENDS. Such a painful truth, right, Miss Taylor? FRIENDS. "Correction. We moved here when I was three. I don't know any kids who were born when they were three." She smiled.

"Okay. So, I was exaggerating - - -"

"Very." She cut in with a smile.

"Hey, Lucas. . ." Someone entered the room. Oh, how she hated that pitchy voice and it's owner.

"Oh, Cassidy." Lucas stood up to hug that girl.

"Why are you not there last night? I thought you were - - -" The girl said, talking to Lucas as their voices weaken as they walk farther away form Taylor.

An the next thing she know, she was there alone again. Alone for the rest of the time until the bell rang and the room started to be filled in with students.

Swiftly (Stories based on Songs by Taylor Swift)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon