Meating Him

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Megan's POV

"Megan get down here now you going to be late to your first lesson!" my mom yelled up the stairs to me still in bed."OK mom" Well I better introduce myself now. My name is Megan Styles, I am 18 and I live in Birmingham. Today I have my first lesson for learning how to play guitar with a teacher my best friend McKenna found. "MEGAN!" "Coming." Well time to get up now. I got up and went to my wardrobe to find my outfit for the day. I chose a white crop top with my pink flower shorts with my white and pink high top converse. I went down stairs, got an apple for breakfast, and left for my lesson.

"Hi you must be Bradley." I said to the boy who answered the door. He had the most adorable chocolate curls in the world and to pair chocolate eyes that you could just get lost in. The one thing that couldn't leave my mind is that he looked really familiar. "Why yes I am and you must be Megan" he said. I just nodded my head in agreement. He welcomed me inside and handed me one of the many guitars in the living room.

Brad's POV

I was sitting for my new student to arrive and practicing a song on my guitar when I heard the doorbell ring. I put my guitar down and went to answer the door to the most beautiful girl in the universe " Stop it Brad you don't even know her" I thought to myself. I welcomed her into my house and lead her to the living room and handed her a guitar.

Megan's POV

"So the first things first show me what you already know about guitar." Brad instructed me. The first thing I showed him was how I hold my brand on the neck of the guitar. I looked up to his nodding approval for me to move on to the next thing I know which is how to play simple cords like C, G, F, and Am. "Good I know the perfect song you can play with just those 4 cords!" Brad fold me. Then he took another guitar and started strumming to a song that I am very familiar with. " Hey isn't that Somebody To You by The Vamps?" i asked. " Yeah it is but if you don't want to learn this song then you don't have to I can teach you some more cords and then you can learn a different song." he said worried. "No that song is my favorite song actually." I told him. "Really" he said while smirking. "Who's your favorite member of The Vamps?" he asked me. " Brad is my favorite by far" I replied. Just then his phone buzzed indicating he got a text. "Hey my friends are coming over but you can stay until they get here so we can get more done."

Brad's POV

"Omg she said that I was her favorite out of me,Conner, James, and Tristan." I thought to myself. just then my phone buzzed and lit up indicating I had a text. It was from James. "get is it OK if we come over OK thanks bye." Well its nice I get a say in this. I told Megan that the boys wanted to come over and asked if that was OK and she nodded her head yes working on her finger placing on the guitar. Just After she said it was OK the doorbell rang saying that the boys were here. I ran to the door to open it before they busted it down with their knocking.

Hey guys this is my first fan fiction and I bet nobody is reading this but this was the first chapter of The Teacher. If you want to be the boys girlfriends of relatives then please comment your name of the name you want in the story and her age but if your like me and is like 8 years younger than the boys then the age you want to Be and I will pick some people but spamming won't help.

XX Hailey

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