?Love, You Ok?

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Megan's POV










I woke up to the steady beeping of a machine beside me. "I know she will be alright but in just worried" I heard  a voice say beside me. "Mate it'll be OK." I heard somebody reassured the worried person. I slowly opened my eyes to see the member of The Vamps standing around my bed. Wait where am a I? "Your in the hospital love" I heard Brad say. I must hex be looked confused because then he did that I was thinking out loud.

Just then Conner's phone started ringing. "Hold on, let me take this" he said and walked out. "It probably Crystal" Brad said to everyone. "Who's Crystal?" I asked. "Oh it's his girlfriend." Replied Tristan. I just nodded my head. Just then Conner walked back in smiling "Megan would you be up for meeting someone?" He asked.

"You look fine" commented Brad because I was freaking out about meeting Crystal. Just then the door bell rang and I ran to the door. "Hi, you must be Crystal" I said as I opened the door.


Hey just a short upload for you people who were waiting. If you want me to keep the story going vote, comment, and if you want to be Tristan's or James' girlfriends (I have plans for Brads) message me!! Detected to @flowerpedals123 !!

Love you guys
XX Hailey

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