Chapter One

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Your Point Of View

I woke up in a dark room. Oh, wait never mind. It's not dark. I just have a blindfold on. WAIT! A BLINDFOLD?! Have I been kidnapped. I started screaming and kicking my legs. I was chained to a wall. Fun. I wonder what happened. I tried to stay as calm as possible. I took a deep breath and spoke. "Excuse me, if anyone is in this room, do you mind telling me what has happened and why I'm blindfolded and chained to a wall?" I said extremely calm. I was proud of that. To be honest, I wasn't that scared. Just a little confused. "Hello again, (Y/N)." A female voice spoke. "Again? Do I know you? I can't remember anything." I said still confused. "Good. That means the injection worked. You're free to go." A man said. Injection? "Well... Okay." I said. They unchained me and took the blind fold off. There was a door to the outside in front of me. I walked toward it. I got outside and looked around. I saw a sign that pointed said something. I didn't even bother to read it. I just thought it was a sign to a town, so I went that way.

I arrived in the town. The town was quite big, so I guess you'd call it a city. I looked around for a bit. Why can't I remember anything? Oh, shit. I don't have a house... I reached in my pockets and felt around. All I felt was a paper. I unfolded it. It said, "(Y/N). Your mind has been erased. You don't have a home either. Good luck staying alive." Well fuck no money for food. I'm basically a goner. I walked into an alley way, and curled up into a corner. A black kitten walked up to me. "You have no home either. Poor kitty. I'll take care of you. Even if I costs my life." I said to it.

*Real World*

I got back to my alley way. I had a pie. I had stolen it from someone's window sill. It was sliced into 8 pieces. I gave one to Saphira and ate one, saving the rest. I sat in my corner again, it began snowing. I've survived with no money 8 months now. Saphira had given birth to 8 kittens. I swore on my life I would protect them. They're 8 weeks old now. I grabbed them and curled them up into my lap. I thought to myself, "Ha. I guess 8 is my lucky number." I just wish we could get off the streets. I fell asleep after putting the kittens into my backpack so they would be warm and they wouldn't run off. "Excuse me, miss." Said a person shaking me awake. I looked up and saw a person, they were shadowed because of the moonlight. "Why are you out in the cold? Don't you have a home?" He said. I lowered and shook my head. "Well then, I'd like to take you to my master. Maybe he could hire you as a maid." I looked up with disbelief. All I did was nod my head. I picked up my bag carefully, not saying anything about Saphira or the kittens in my backpack and walked with the man.

Sebastian x Reader x ClaudeWhere stories live. Discover now