Chapter 1

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My name is Ava Marie Efron.

I'm 16 years old and yes I'm Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens daughter.

I never met my dad though they separated around when I was 5. I hear so much about him and he seems like a cool dad. My mom definitely needs someone cause she's constantly cranky hating life all the damn time.

She probably gets annoyed with all the paparazzi's still coming around trying to bug us everywhere we go asking why my dad isn't in my life, If one day they'll get back together.

Hopefully one day I meet him cause that'll be so COOL.

"AVA DINNER TIME." mom yelled from downstairs.

I sighed since I was busy typing my essay. "JUST A MINUTE." as I started typing again.

Anyways, it's not to bad living with my mom she's pretty cool (sometimes) but she's been all depressed since dad left and she won't get over it. Could I find him one day? I would like to because I really would like a father in my life."


I slammed my fists on my keyboard pissed and got up from my chair. I ran downstairs to the kitchen giving my mom a look.

"Mom, I'm trying to get my essay done." I sighed.

"Well, you had all time this weekend to do it so, who's fault is that?" She eyed at me handing me my plate with spaghetti on it.

I sat my plate down and plopped down at the table.

"Mom, are you and dad ever going to meet up again?" I asked getting all sad about not having a dad.

She choked on her drink sitting it down looking at me. "Ava, we talked about this."

I shrugged. "I really want a father. Mom, this sucks we've been going down hill ever since dad-"

Mom was getting irritated. "I'm not talking about this with you. Your father and I are NEVER I mean EVER getting back together. He hurt me and I'm not taking him back so, you can just drop it and finish up and go to bed. I'm done talking about anything tonight."

"But mom-"

"NO BUTS AVA. Look I'm tired I had a rough day so, if you could just finish your plate and go finish your essay."

As she walked away I rolled my eyes. See this is what I'm talking about she's miserable and all she is now is mean to me now. I don't get it. I don't deserve this.

Then, my best friend Taylor was calling me.

"Heeeeeey girl." I said eating some food that was getting cold sitting there.

"Girl WE'RE going out." she said excited.

"Wait what?"

"My brother's friend from high school invited us to a party and we are going."

"Tay, do they realize how old we are?"

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