Chapter 2

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I was out of breathe when I got there as I saw her run out.

"Girl what took you so long?"

"My mom that's what. She wouldn't leave me alone bout shit." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, doesn't matter anymore cause we're about to party HAAAAAARDDDDD." She hollered.

As I smiled 5 teens starts running out to the car screaming in excitement.

"LETS GET THIS PARTY STAAAAAAARTED." her brother Wyatt hollered as they all were jumping into the car like wild animals.

I smiled getting excited running to the car as I hopped into the truck.

We drove and drove but looked like we were in the middle of nowhere. Then, he parked at a dead end. What the fuck?

"Uh where are we?" I asked confused and kinda scared.

"THE PARTY BABY!!" He screamed as everyone hollered "YEAH" loudly as it echoed the woods.

Everyone jumped out of the car, but me.

Taylor grabbed my arm. "Girl, lets go."

God maybe I should've just listened to my mom for tonight. I'm not sure about all of this.

I was unsure about this, but what can I do I can't drive and I don't wanna walk cause I have NO CLUE where I am.

They all gathered around. "You got the stuff?" Wyatt asked.

The dude got out vodka out of his bag and pounds of weed. Holy shit dude.

"Niiiiiice." Taylor smiled.

I smacked her arm looking at her like are you CRAZY? If our parents find out anything we're DEAD.

"Come on lighten up. It'll be fun" Taylor quickly ran up to the guys and started chugging down the vodka.

I need to get out of here.

They all were in their little group so, I kinda slowly tried walking away till I bumped into something.

I turned around it was one of the dudes. "Where ya going new girl? You scared?"

I started backing away from him as I bumped into another guy behind me. Then another. Then another. Where were they coming from?

They pushed me to the bonfire with the group.

"Myles you made it." The girls said and the guys got excited.

He ignored everything staring me down. "Whose she?"

"Oh she's some kid that my sister knows."

"Why's she here."

What the fuck is his problem?

"Maybe cause I can." I told him as everyone gasped around me even Wyatt and Taylor.

Everyone stepped away from us and it was just Myles and I in the center of the group.

"Let me introduce myself nicely as I can I'm Myles and I prefer you just keep your mouth shut before I do very VERY bad things to you." He brung out a knife and held it to my neck.

Everyone gasped again freaking out for me.

I was breathing so heavy I didn't know what to do.

"M-Myles please she didn't know I promise I'll keep her under control. Please." Taylor begged to Myles.

"Oh so she's your friend?" Myles said going over to Taylor instead.

I need to get out of here, but I'm scared I won't make it.

"I'm sorry Myles it won't happen again." Taylor begged like she knew what was going to happen.

"You knew the rules Taylor. You knew to be in this group no other is allowed in the group unless they're accepted by me. And What did you NOT do?"

Taylor started tearing up not speaking.

"I SAID WHAT DID YOU DO TAYLOR." He screamed at her.

"I didn't ask you first and I'm sorry so please."

"You'll learn." He eyed the guys and Wyatt "finish her."

What the hell is happening right now? This just getting darker and darker and I regret coming with her. What the hell kinda party is this?

I needed to try to run for it.

Our Daughter, AvaWhere stories live. Discover now