.Chapter one.

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Saturday June 19th, 2018

"(Y/n), you're nearly an adult. You have to stop being so childish with your horror fantasy. If you keep this up, you'll end up in the mental asylum for life next time." (Y/n)'s mother scolded, pulling out from the asylum's parking lot. (Y/n) simply glared out the window.

Her and her mother weren't really on good terms most of the time. They both had a different look on life and her mother tried shoving down her beliefs on it down (Y/n)'s throat. (Y/n) on the other hand, took out her fantasies and thoughts on other things such as people, things her mother cares deeply about, animals and pretty much anything she could physically touch.

"You've told me before, mom. Can you get off my ass about it?" (Y/n)'s were cool and collected, which pissed off the woman more.

"Where ever all this anger and violence is coming from, needs to stop! I don't know where all this is coming from, but you need to calm it down. I don't care what it takes." She hissed, turning the curb.

"And when I do what I can to ooze my cravings or anger you and other people think I'm crazy. Then you think some isolation will fix me. That's not the case, mom. Isolation fucks your head up more. And everytime they put me in that goddamn room, it leaves you to yourself. And that is unhealthy for you. Almost as unhealthy as not eating for a day or two. Don't believe me? Look it up." (Y/n) responded back sharply. Her words were laced in venom.

Her mother rolled her eyes, pulling into a McDonald's. She rolled around to the to go line and turned towards the (h/c)ed girl in the passenger seat.

"What do you want?" she sighed out, looking at the tense girl.

"Nothing. I'm not hungry." She shot back, making her mom wince internally.


(Y/n) sat in her room with the house pet, a cat named Skittles. Skittles licked and chewed at her leg as (Y/n) sat at her computer, swimming through Google. Her (e/c)ed eyes darted around the screen, looking for more information on this one girl she had met in the mental institution. They had became enemies within only a few days after meeting.

"Fucking whore.." (Y/n) squinted her eyes, clicking on a link which brought her to a facebook link. Smiling to herself, she logged onto her old facebook account her mom made her years back.

You know, you don't have to be a zit faced, fat ass who sits at their computer all day to know how to hack and find information about someone. It doesn't take a lifetime to find out how to gather information about a person within a day. All you need was time and patience... And (Y/n) had both.

(Y/n) scrolled down the page and saw her family, friends, and people she cared oh so deeply about. It was perfect.

She clicked on her moms account and picked around, seeing she was active only an hour or two ago. After only a few moments, she found a post of the snobby, stuck up blonde girl who had threw hot, disgusting soup down (Y/n)'s scrubs only a few weeks back.

Her name was Lighlia Marie Gorden. Born on August 5th, 2001 at 7:38 p.m. and weighed around 5 pounds. How'd she find such things out? Her mom posted a picture of Lighlia and her birth certificate years back. Though, that information wasn't necessarily important at the moment. 

(Y/n) scrolled and scrolled before clicking back to the bitches facebook profile. To what it looks like, she had gotten out a few days before (Y/n) did. A small smile pierced onto her lips as she let out a small scoff, causing her cat to open her eyes and glance over at her.

Afterwards, she looked for a location was, which was no where near hard to find. She put a location tab on everything she posted. She had posted today at 9:48 a.m. about going to a best friends house named Jenna Thompson. (Y/n) knew her. They were best friends back in grade 11. Smiling to herself, she prepared to have her first hunt in months. And to what it looks like, it wasn't going to fall without a fight.

"(Y/n)..?" she heard her door to her room creek open. (Y/n) immediately closed out of her tabs and swirled around, glaring at her mother who had walked in without knocking. Her eyebrows furrowed before opening the door all the way.

"What were you looking at? I could've sworn I saw a girl in a bikini or someth-"

"Porn." (Y/n) shot at her, trying to make her mom feel bad about barging in. As if on cue, her mother's mouth dropped and her cheeks flushed.

"(Y/n)! I didn't know you masturba-"

"Mom!" (Y/n) yelled over her, faking her embarrassment. Her mom laughed and sighed out before raising her hand which held a bag.

"I have your pills." her mom commented, making her daughter cringe internally.

"And just like last time, I'm not taking them. They make me sick." (Y/n) commented, looking over at her clock that was perched on her nightstand.

9:52 p.m.

"They might make you feel sick at first but you'll need to get used to them. Oh and... You're coming to church with me tomorrow morning so don't stay up to late, okay?"

"Yeah, I got it. Can you please go now? I'm busy." (Y/n) grunted out, clearly still annoyed at her mother. She nodded at her daughter before smiling sympathetically.

"Yeah.... Go ahead and finish you stuff. I'm sorry for barging in so suddenly. I'm off to bed since I have to get up early." Her mother yawned as if it were on cue. (Y/n) nodded and glanced over at the clock eagerly.

10:01 p.m.

"Okay, mom." (Y/n) commented, swirling back around in her computer chair.

"Goodnight, love you, (Y/n)." And with that, she shut the door and quietly walked down the hall. Waiting for the sound of her moms door to shut, she jumped up and moved to her closet, pulling out some jeans and a (f/c) jacket. Along with it, she paced around her room till she found her shoes, which were found under her bed. Afterwards, she moved over to a stash that she hid from everyone else. In the stash was one of her little brother's bibi pistols, a kitchen knife, some wire, a lighter, a pair of plyers, and a screwdriver. Smirking, she smuggled the knife, the screwdriver and the wires.

Shifting over go her window, she slipped it open and removed the screen before hopping out, landing on the firm ground beneath her. This is where her night begins.~

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