3. 𝕂𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕣 ℚ𝕦𝕖𝕖𝕟

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I waited patiently for 30 minutes.
He hasn't showed up yet.
35 minutes.
Still no sign of him.
What if he doesn't come? Am I being stood up? I knew this was a bad idea, why did I agree to this?
Finally, he shows up after 45 minutes. He quickly rushes to my door with a bouquet of flowers in hand, roses in fact.
"Dawn, I'm so sorry. Freddie- the band, they were just up my ass about my drum solo. It's not strong enough, it's not gallant enough. Like really, why does a drum solo have to be gallant? What does gallant even mean?" he says quickly, handing me the flowers and shaking his head.
I laugh and take the flowers.
"Roger, no need to give me an explanation. I'm just glad you didn't decide to ditch me last minute." I reply, smiling dumbly. He ignores me, and instead leans forward and dips his head down, his lips almost a ghost above my ear.
"You look beautiful, I think I like you in red." He whispers, his deep voice making chills run down my spine.
He smiles and takes my hand, leading me to his car. Like a kind gentleman, he opens the door for me. I was surprised at how much of an old-fashioned kind of guy he was. He didn't seem the type- but looks are always deceiving, as he proved them to be.
He starts the car. The engine vibrates through my legs, up to my chest. The loud rumble, completely muting every other noise around us. It was invigorating.
A small smile spreads across his lips as he glances at me. A gleam of pride shines in his eyes, making his bright blue eyes even brighter. It was easy to tell that he was trying to impress me. It was ridiculous, but adorable, regardless.
"Doesn't that sound sexy?" He asks, voice saturated with pleasure. I didn't even get a chance to answer before he speaks again,
"I just bought it, I've been saving up for years to buy this car," He rambles on, obliviously.
It really was a nice car though, I'll give him that. It was a blue 1967 Camaro with sleek, black interior. This car was almost too nice, it surprised me that he was even able to afford it.
As he continues rambling on, I carelessly nod my head to what he's saying, even though I have absolutely no clue what he's talking about. Just the fact that it makes him so happy, made me happy. I glance over at him and smile half-heartedly, and his eyes look up and meet mine. He then leans forward and smacks his forehead on the steering wheel, causing the horn to blare loudly through the street.
"Jesus Christ, you don't want to hear about my bloody car, do you? I'm sorry," he says. I laugh and tug lightly on the ends of his long blonde hair.
"Roger, just drive."
He responds with a laugh and nod.


After driving for what felt like hours, we come to a stop in front of a tall building. It looked like an old abandoned apartment complex of some sort. This is where he wanted to take me? An old apartment building? I raise an eyebrow in confusion, when he says,
"Don't worry, I think you'll like it."
I have my doubts, but I take his word for it. He climbs out of the drivers seat and walks around to open my door, helping me out of the car carefully. He eyes me up, and smirks.
"Why'd you dress so nicely?" He asks.
Why wouldn't I? It was a date wasn't it?
"Well, I th-thought this was-"
"A date?" He cut me off. I felt my face get hot and I look away, embarrassed.
"Well, yeah." I say quietly. I thought we were on a date. Why would he ask me out otherwise? Why would he be begging for me to call him?
I felt his fingertips on my chin, and he slowly tilted my head up. He was only inches away from my face, his hot breath lingered on my lips. His eyes were big, like puppy dog eyes.
"What if I said this wasn't a date. What if I just wanted to hang out with you." He whispers.
"Then I'd be quite disappointed," I say. His lips were distracting me, my mind was completely focused on nothing else but kissing him.
Was he teasing me, playing hard to get? This boy didn't even need to do that, with how gorgeous he was. He knew he could easily make any girl fall in love with him with just a glance. I'm sure he used that to his advantage.
His hand traveled up to my cheek, his arm tightly wrapped around my waist. He leaned his body into me, so close that I could feel his hard chest pressed against mine.
My whole body was on fire. With every touch, my skin burned furiously. I couldn't even try to keep my breathing steady, I was too nervous. My heart was racing a million miles per minute, I could hear it in my ears, feel it in my fingertips. Everything was so sudden, so exhilarating.
"You would, huh?" He says, his lips too close to mine. I nod slowly.
It was only just the first date, and he was already making the moves on me. He couldn't even control himself until afterwards. Pathetic.
Yet, I'm one to talk, standing here wishing he'd just kiss me already. I was equally as pathetic as he was.
He licks his lips and smirks, taking my face in both hands. He leans in and dips his head down, just close enough so our lips touched. I could almost taste his breath.
I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his muscular shoulders. As I lean in, he suddenly pulls away. My eyes fly open in shock, and I let go of him immediately. He laughs and shakes his head, taking my hand in his.
"You dirty dog, at least wait until the date's over." He says sarcastically. I glare at him and look away.
God, he was such an asshole! I couldn't believe I even agreed to go on this so-called date with him. What did I find to be so special about him, anyway? He was cocky, sarcastic, full of himself... handsome. So incredibly handsome, it made my heart twist and squeeze with yearning. There was no denying that I wanted to be with this boy, even considering the downsides of it all.
It frustrated me, longing for him. I barely knew him, and yet I thought about him constantly. He made me feel alive whenever I was in his presence. When he touched me, electricity ran through my bones, making every nerve in my body come to life. I hated him for that, how easily he wrapped me around his finger.
"Aw, Come on. Don't be angry, alright? I'm sorry," He says, pulling me towards the building. Despite everything, I went with him. Maybe it was stupid, but at the time that's all I wanted. He, was all I wanted.


Author's Note:

I'm so sorry if this chapter was absolutely horrid, I couldn't find any inspiration and didn't know how to continue on with it, so that's why it's a little shorter than it should be. I know it's not the greatest, I'm aware of that. I'll try to come up with something to make this story better, if you guys have any ideas or things you'd WANT to see happen, leave a comment! I'll start writing the next chapter sometime tomorrow, and hopefully it turns out better. Thanks for your support!
Xx <3

Crazy Little Thing Called Love // Roger Taylor  Where stories live. Discover now