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oh fuck. oh shit. god-fucking-damn it. i can't believe i actually agreed to do this.

ok maybe i'm being dramatic, i'm freaking out over nothing. it really is nothing. i'm just meeting bri's parents today. i've been awake for about an hour scaring the shit out of myself, while my boyfriend sleeps soundly next to me, and let me tell you, i'm hungry as hell. but i shouldn't wake him up because after a tiring tour, his rest is well-deserved. also i'm stuck in his grip, and wiggling myself out would wake him up.

"y/n?" his raspy morning voice spoke.

"oh bri, i'm sorry, did i wake you?" oh man just what i didn't want.

"no, no," pause. "hey love?"


"do you know what today is?" he answered, with a smirk on his face. a shiver goes down my spine. he knows how nervous i am to meet his parents. to tease me, he's been telling me how 'incredibly judgmental' they are.

"yes, brian, i do." i said, sitting up straight. he wrapped his arms around my waist, looked up at me, and said "my darling, they're going to love you." with a huge smile on his face.

"are you sure? because i'm just really nervous." i replied, the worry in my voice was coming through.

"i know i've been teasing you for the last week or so, but that's all in good fun, lovely, and i was lying through my teeth. my parents are incredibly welcoming, and no doubt will adore you." i smiled, i trust these words so hopefully they're true.

time skip - 6:23pm
"y/n!" brian yelled up the stairs. "i told them 6:30!"

"sorry, love!" i replied with a hair pin in my mouth, just finishing off my hair. i needed it to look perfect, and it did. i grabbed my purse and ran down the stairs.

"oh my god, y/n, you look absolutely stunning." brian took my hand and lifted it above my head, and i spun accordingly. he was smiling from ear to ear.

"beautiful girl." he muttered, but i heard it, and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"come on, we'll be late." i said with a cheeky smile.

once we arrived, brian took my hand, and squeezed it.

"if it makes you feel better, you can see my childhood bedroom." he whispered in my ear. i looked at him, shocked.

"really?" i squealed. he nodded, then knocked on the door. his mother opened the door.

"brian harold may! you told us 6:30, and it's currently 6:37! do you think this is appropriate?" she said sternly, not acknowledging me. oh shit. brian cracked a smile.

"hi mum. how are you?" he said while giving her a hug. what the shit just happened?

"oh and you must be y/n. i've heard such good things about you!" she then saw the fear on my face. "oh my! i'm so sorry, that was a joke, darling. i'm not that strict. come on in, it's freezing out!" once i was inside, she hugged me. that put me at ease a little bit.

"brian! my boy, we're happy to have you home," his father's voice boomed. "oh, hello! are you y/n?"

"i certainly am." i smiled and laughed a little out of nervous habit.

dinner went much better than expected. his parents were great, and very easy to talk to. the actual food was incredible.

"excuse me, where's your restroom?" i asked his mother.

"oh just down the hall, and it's the second door on your left." she sent me a smile.

"thank you."

as i walked off, i heard him ask his parents what they thought of me.

"she's very kind and polite. i like her very much." his dad said.

"i agree with your father, brian. she's a beautiful girl. i just hope you don't scare her off." they all laughed.
oh thank god.

"good, because i want your approval, and her parents' approval, when i propose to her."
my jaw dropped. did he really just say that?

"oh brian that would be lovely! imagine her in a white dress. absolutely beautiful." his mother exclaimed. ok i should really stop eavesdropping now.

once i came back, his mother kept giving me looks. i had to act clueless, like i didn't notice them. and before i knew it, dinner was over. i was grabbing my coat and we were heading home. i thanked his mother for a lovely dinner and said goodbye to his father.

"that wasn't all that bad was it?" brian asked me. i moved my head from my pillow to his chest. he played with my hair.

"no. no, it was quite lovely actually. thank you for arranging that behind my back. you could never have actually convinced me to do it." i replied with a giggle.

"oh good. so, when am i meeting your parents?"

"soon enough, love, soon enough."

wc; 837 words

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