Chapter 1: staying close to you

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Hey guys I'm back so i will be writing a lot of this one so yay 😁 and can't wait to write it so enjoy!

(Spencer POV)
I woke up in my bed I felt like crap because my parents are focusing me to marry Caleb and I saw him cheat on me with Hanna my best friend I cry myself to sleep after I saw him do it and I don't want him anyways after he did that and he still seeing her and my sister aria is seeing Ezra who my parents don't mind because they are divorced so mom doesn't mind but I want someone different then Caleb someone who will love me and support me and love me no matter what happens... I got up and got ready for school *looks down* SPENCER! My dad said What? You're grounded! He said why exactly dad? I said because I see the way you look at Toby he's trash you don't deserve him and he's crap for you he said Dad okay back off Toby my friend not my boyfriend so why ground me because of him? Ugh I said you're marrying Caleb! Not him he said DAD I don't like Caleb he cheated on me I said walking away and I got in my car and drove to school.

( 10 minutes later )
I walked into school and then I accidentally ran into Alison. Watch out freak! Some of us aren't in a rush like you nerds she said walking away from me. Hey beautiful Toby said Hey tobes I said what happened? Toby said looking at me worried nothing I said looking down Spencer come on you can tell me anything Toby said then he sat right next to me and put he's arm around me. Spence you can tell me Toby said Okay my dad wants me to marry Caleb still I said looking down with a tears in my eyes. What?! Toby said yeah... I said Spencer it's going to alright I promise you I can deal with Caleb for you Toby said you can how exactly I said with tears falling down my cheek then Toby rubs my cheek and my tears. I have my ways beautiful I got go deal with him Toby said then he kissed my cheek and went to go with him. He's so cute and hot and nice guy he's different and I'm glad we are friends but I want to be more I just don't how to tell him I don't want to hurt him or anything . Then I got up and went to class.

(Toby POV)
I went to Caleb and I did something I should have when Spencer told me what he did. Hey dude Caleb said I know what you did to Spencer I said angry to him you how mr bitch boy he said laughing and then I punch him in the face so hard

 Hey dude Caleb said I know what you did to Spencer I said angry to him you how mr bitch boy he said laughing and then I punch him in the face so hard

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That's Spencer!!! Jerk bag I said Then I walked away from him. What the hell dude Caleb said with a bleeding nose.

(At lunch break)
Hey spence I said Then I sat next to her hey Toby she said why are you ignoring me I try talking to you and you ignore me spence I said I have a reason why not Okay Spencer said what's the reason spence you have to honest with me I said looking at her. It's because I have feelings for you I've had them since the day I met you I felt so much alive when I'm with you and I don't have to hide it when I'm with you Spencer said I like you too Spence I said you do? For how long she said for a while I said I just don't want to rush things so when you to you can take me out if you want to she said sure beautiful I would any thing for you so just tell me when I said I got up and she grab my hand I looked down at it. Don't leave me please spence said I won't I said Then I when I sat down next to her again she looked at me and I looked back and she got closer to me and kissed me passionately and I kissed back and I when she did I didn't stop and she didn't ether

 Don't leave me please spence said I won't I said Then I when I sat down next to her again she looked at me and I looked back and she got closer to me and kissed me passionately and I kissed back and I when she did I didn't stop and she didn't ether

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