Chapter 3

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"Ok are you ready Grace" Lexi said while pointing at the forest

"Is it to late to say that I made a wrong choice" I said while looking a way for run

She looks at me and sees me as like I have grown horns "OMG is Grace scared. I never thought our college fistey girl is scared of darkness" she says while faking shock.

I look at her and raise my eyebrows and she knows I hated being challenged but she still did it "Who says I am scared? I am just having weird vibes from this place" I said while not breking our eye contact.

She looked at me and then looks at her watch and then her expression changes "we should hide you before the other people are here" she said while trying to lead me in the deep woods.

I was following her and I can not see a thing but she is walking like she can see every thing and she is walking so smoothly that I think she has been here many times. Then a cave comes in front of us . I mean to say a huge cave a really huge cave. We go inside but she dose not take me to deep.

"Now Stay here Grace and I mean it grace stay if you move I will not know how to find you." She says in demanding voice

I only mumbled "ok" then she looks at me one last time goes out of the cave

When she leaves every thing becomes so quiet I can even hear my heat beat too. I wait there for for 20 minutes and it's like an hour to me.

I look out side the cave if any one had reached near to me but no one I start humming a small tune to make my self feel better

Suddenly I felt shivers down to my spine I felt like some one is looking at me but I looked everywhere but their is no one

I looked at the deep part of the cave I thought to my self should I go in

Then waiting for one more minute I started to go more deeper and when I reached the end part and I was shock their was a room in a cave It was locked I tried to open but it won't budge so I gave up. I star to think some really scary stuff if this is hidden serial killer hide out or some cykopath people lived here so I took a wise decsion and started backing up and then I heard a in human growl behind me

It then went blank but the last I remember seeing beautiful golden eyes.

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