Chapter Three

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Again, another dark chapter. Please read with caution.

That afternoon when Jeff and Liu returned home, Liu went straight to his room, while Jeff walked over to his mother with a big smile on his face. "Hey Ma!"

Mrs. Woods smiled at Jeff, seeing her son so happy brightened her day. "Well, good afternoon Jeffery, how was school?"

Jeff beamed and wrapped his arms around his mother, giving her a firm hug. "It was wonderful!"

Mrs. Woods smiled happily, relieved to hear that Jeff had enjoyed his first day at a new school. That meant, it could only get better from here ... right?

As Jeff collapsed comfortably on the couch, a sudden knock came from the front door, it was urgent. Mrs. Woods answered the door, and when she saw who it was, a confused and almost worried expression came onto her face. "Yes Officers? How can I help you?"

Shock and fear stabbed Jeff's heart, his heart began beating rapidly, and all the colour drained from his face. "Are you Mrs. Margret Woods?"

"Yes, that's me."

"Earlier this morning, we received a call about three seriously injured boys. When we arrived we found one boy with multiple stab wounds, another with a broken wrist, and the third with a large bruise on his stomach. They explained to us what the attackers looked like, and our research shows that it was your son, Jeffery."

Mrs. Woods gasped, rage filling in her eyes. She turned to Jeff and raised a brow. "Is this true Jeff?" Mrs. Woods asked firmly. "Did you do this?"

As Jeff stood up to accept his fate, Mrs. Woods and Jeff were both caught off guard when both the officers reached for their guns and aimed it at something in the house. Jeff looked back to find Liu covered in blood, bruised and holding a knife.

"No officer, it wasn't Jeff. It was me." Liu looked up at his mother, ignoring Jeff.

"Alright son," said one of the officers. "Just put the knife down for me."

Liu dropped the knife and put his hands behind his head. The officers quickly rushed in and handcuffed Liu. Jeff's eyes began filling with tears. "No! It was me! Tell them Liu! Tell them it was me!"

Liu gave Jeff a pitiful smile. "It's alright, stop trying to take the blame for me Jeff. I have to face what I've done."

"No, it's not true! Liu, don't leave me here!" Jeff cried, tears falling from his eyes as he desperately tried running after Liu.

Margret grabbed Jeff and pulled him back, stroking his head and trying to comfort him. She felt as much pain as Jeff did ... but tried to stay in control, for Jeff's sake. "Hush my dear, it's alright. They're not going to hurt him. They're just taking him away for a while. It'll be fine, Jeff."

"No, but it was me! Mum, it was me! It was me! Don't let them take Liu! He didn't do it? It was ..." Jeff collapsed to the ground as the Police drove off, taking Liu with them. Jeff cried into his hands, an indescribable pain shooting throughout his entire being.

Jeff remained outside, sitting against the garage door, eyes strained and bloodshot, face drenched, and mind fogged. He couldn't even speak because of how hard he'd been crying.

As Mr. Woods pulled into the driveway, he saw Jeff's face and furrowed his brows in confusion, assuming he'd gotten into trouble or something. Mr. Woods got out of his car and slowly approached Jeff. "What's wrong, my boy?"

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