Chapter 8: Priorities

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Notes: Overworld = Heaven Underworld = Hell 

Jay's POV

" my lair! One more step and it'll be your last!" A Mantine said with a loud, deep but calming voice.

Zena and I didn't really have anything to say in response, we just stood there staring. The Mantine looked unfazed and continued.

"This is where I sort of live and train. I hope to become one of the strongest Pokemon out there. I'm also trying to find my own Mega Evolution! Does that sound weird? It probably does. Oh, and by the way, it was in fact me who saved you guys. You fell in,"- he gestered to the hole in the cavern where the sun poured in-" and it was clear you weren't water pokemon, so I plopped you on the stone so ya'll could chill out for a bit. No need to thank me." The last few words echoed.

Zena cleared her throat and asked, "So what's your name then? I'm Zena, leader of Team Gamechasers, and this is my comrade Jay." I waved.

"The name's LoveGame. Or you can call me Nathan, don't care which." He replied.

"Isn't that the name of one of one of Lady Banette's singles?" I asked.

"Yeah, I suppose it is. I'm a huge fan. I've got like all of her albums, too!" He said enthusiastically.

I was starting to get a little annoyed now.

"Hey, by any chance, did a Garchomp wearing a blue scarf happen to fall in here as well? He's one of our friends and kind of an important member of our team..." I glanced up at the hole in the cavern ceiling, the light poured onto the wall opposite of Zena and I. It was then I noticed the giant engraving of a giant bird pokemon and some Unown letters scrawled above it. The bird looked like it was about to give me a hug, with its large clawed wings spreading out across the wall. It had horns that curved towards the creature's face and alot of fur around its neck. It looked menacing and majestic at the same time. How did I not notice it before...? I was snapped back from my thoughts when he was almost finished talking and mentioned something about Post Town.

"...Your friend may have ended up in Post Town. From what Zena says, that's the closest city there is from where you guys got wrecked. But um..." He paused for a moment. Zena and I shared a look. We both asked 'what?' at the same time.

"Well, the path from where we are currently is hella dangerous...there's this gang that is very protective of their land, called Tha Sinista. Their leader is Teemo, a dickhead Scrafty. They attack anyone who sets foot without a reason valid in their eyes. Petty brats if you ask me." We both smirked at that. "I mean I've got a secret route you could totally take, which lucky for you guys leads straight to Post Town, but it may or may not be illegal." He finished, looking a bit guilty at the last line.

"Well thats not really an issue, but what IS an issue is how friggin tired I am." Zena yawned. "Jay, try and get to Mike, I'm going to bed." And with that she curled up under her wings and was asleep within a few minutes. I wasn't tired yet, so I decided to inquire LoveGame about the engraving on the wall.

"Oh, that's Yveltal, the Pokemon of Death. Despite the title they say he's rather docile." He began. "At the same time Dialga's heart started beating, the myth goes, he created the underworld. Apparently the underworld is so large and vast, he basically used up all of his power. Then he was all, 'idk man, im pretty sleepy, see ya in like a billion years.' and that's how it is now. But the myth ALSO goes that if the world is in great peril, he will awaken and defend the world. Yknow, if he died defending the world, would he go to the overworld or the underworld? 'Cause like, he made the underworld, so he can't go there, and the overworld would probably reject him or something. The Veil maybe? That's like the inbetween for the overworld and underworld, if you didn't know."

It was then I yawned, I guess his rambling made me sleepy, although I was rather interested. He stopped talking upon seeing me yawn, and said I should get some rest as well. I almost fell asleep but then I remembered I was meant to try and get through to Mike using the magic radio. I flicked it on with one whisper of 'activate', and said "Mike, you're not dead, right?  I hope not, that would be bad for our team's reputation." I said grinning. There was alot of stumbling and swearing on the other end until Mike answered, breathless.

"DUDEWHEREAREYOUIWASSOSCAREDIMINPOSTTOWNISZENATHEREMELOETTAESCAPEDWE'VEGOTTA-" He drew in a breath, but I hushed him before he could continue. Poor guy, probably had a panic attack. I was overcome with guilt for not contacting him ealier, but I didn't dwell on it.

"Dude, we're fine. We met this guy called LoveGame who saved us, he's a Mantine, he's also super chill, and we'll be headed your way by tomorrow. We need to rest. I'm really sorry for not contacting you earlier, we got caught up in explanations." I explained.

"Okay, cool." He said nonchalantly, as if he hadn't had a mental breakdown because he probably thought we were dead or something. "I'll meet you halfway there. Where exactly even are you?"

"Uhh you can't exactly meet us halfway there, LoveGame said there's a hostile gang called Tha Sinista that will attack you if you set foot on their turf. We'll just have to come to you. Also, I'm not exactly sure where we are, but it's on the coast of the south end of Andhoris I'm positive. But with all that aside, are you okay Mike? I hope you weren't freaking out too much." I heard a scoff on the other line.

"Pfft, I knew you guys would be fine. I wouldn't have a panic attack, you know how to handle yourselves." Mike said, clearly lying, but I didn't mention it.

"Alright, good night Mike, I'm so friggin tired."

"Dude it's like 4 in the afternoon." 


I clicked the radio off and curled up on the stone floor, which was surpsingly comfortable.

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