First day

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"Honey, time for school." My dad says softly has he shakes me awake

"5 more minutes" I groan

"You have to wake up baby girl. you gotta walk to school today."

I swing my legs off my bed and sit up. "Oh yay first day of high school"

"Would you like some breakfast?"

"No thanks." I get up and he'd to me room.

Yeah, yeah. I know what you're thinking 'you just got out of bed but you're not in your room?' no you see, I have a normal sized house with a few empty rooms and my bed room is on the other side if the house. But I've got a desk bunk bed. the kind with a desk underneath and a bed on top. well I don't like sleeping in the bed because it's hard to climb up on it.

Oh how rude I forgot to introduce myself. hi I'm luna. I live with my mom and my dad, our 2 dogs and 3 birds. I am 4'11" with black hair with a as I cal bipolar colored tips because in some lighting, my hair is blond, in some it's brown, and in some it's red. it is supposed to be a red wooden color, but whatever.

I get to my bed room and throw in what I had picked out black skinny jeans batman converse and a light pink shirt that says "the feeling is mutual I don't like you either." I put on some eye liner, mascara, and a bit of lip gloss I grab my back pack and my phone, kiss my parents bye, and I'm out the door.

I walk half way down my street and wait. why am I waiting you might ask. my best friend Renee lives just down the street, so were walking together. the high school is just across Main Street. So it's not that far.

Now Renee me and her have been best friends since kindergarten. there's just so much to say. but just the basics she is 5'3" dirty blond hair and just amazing. she's always been there for me. through thick and thin. and I will always be there for her.

"Hey hey hey!" Renee yells as she approaches

"Are you ready?" I ask

"For what high school?"

"Yeah high school supposed to be the best 4 years of our life's but usually are just 4 crapy ones."

"Oh come on this year will be fine."

"I hope"

We keep walking listing to music and singing in a normal tone until the song said the tittle than we would scream the title as loud as we could.

We got to the school kinda early so we can find where to go.

"Where's you're locker at?" Renee asked

"1249" I said

"Hey I'm 1247 we're locker neighbors!"

"Oh great I'm stuck with yo-" I freeze

Renee noticed I stopped and followed where my eyes were looking.

"He still hasn't talked to you?" she ask

"Hum? what?" I say snapping out of it

"Alexander? nothing?"

"Oh, no. not yet. he'll come around though. hopefully"

"And if not, it's what's best for you."

Alexander. I was in love with him sense he first moved here in 5th grade. We used to be best friends and all was perfect. I don't want to go into details now. but he has dark brown hair that just flops down his face it's not too long but not too short. he's about 5'6" and has these blue green eyes that are in describable. But other than that all you need to know is we haven't spoken in a long while, and it kills me.

Me and Renee he's to our lockers we get there and open 'em up to put our stuff away.

A note floats down to my feet. I bend down to grab it and open it up

'Meet me by the flag pole out side at lunch'

"Who's that from?" Renee asks looking over my shoulder.

"I have no idea." I respond as I look around the halls

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2014 ⏰

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