"It's not a date!" (long)

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"Hey~ (Y/n)!"

The (h/c) hair girl turned her (e/c) eyes to see her two friends and neighbors, Marco Diaz and Star Butterfly, joining her on her way to school. She smiled and waived.
"Hi guys!"
"You could have wait for us a little longer." said Marco after returning the wave. (Y/n) always waited for them in front of their house for them to go to school together.
"Well, it's kinda your fault, you made me wait like 10 minutes. And we said that after 8,5, I could go by myself!"
"That's a little specific." said Star to herself, before telling her friend her excuse. "We had a round of Marco's super awesome nachos last night! We couldn't get out of bed!"
"Um, correction! YOU couldn't get out of bed, I had to drag you out for you to get up!" Marco said with harmless annoyance in his voice.
(Y/n) chuckled.
"Well Can't blame her Marco! They do the same effect on me!" she loudly whispered that last sentence to Star for Marco to hear it.
"I know right?! They're so good!"
"But so heavy in the stomach!"
"But you just keep eating it!"
"Because they're so good!"

Marco sighed with a smile watching his two friends having stars in their eyes as the three of them arrived in front of their school. (Y/n) being two years older than Star and Marco, they were in a different class. They said bye to each other when their paths were separating.
"Study well guys, and remember Star: F is for Fantastic!" she said with sarcasm, causing Marco to chuckle.
"Alright I got it!" Star said, pretty annoyed that she still reminded her of that mistake she made mouths ago.

(Y/n) smiled and went to her class. She was a little bit disappointed that she didn't have them for classmates, she would've love to experience the awesome magic moments they had in class instead of just hearing them from her two friends at lunch break. But she's not complaining, she had her adventures with them too, like that time when Marco had his arm "fixed" by Star but she instead turned it into a tentacle, or that time when Star's wand's batteries went low and the three of them had to go this shop called "Quest buy" and they were attacked by monsters, or even that last time when they went to Pixtopia, got send to the Shard mines and they had to break their way out. Those were awesome memories that made her smile, but still, her class would be way less boring if Star and Marco were with her.
As much as (Y/n) wanted to recall her time with her two friends more, she needed to focus on her class because high school's giving her a shit ton of homework! When lunch break came, the three friends sat at their usual tables, Star looked pretty annoyed by something.

"Star, what happened? Are you still upset about this morning?" (Y/n) said with a smile, knowing that it was obviously not that.
Star let out a groan and Marco responded for her.
"Her ex-boyfriend came today to ask her out."
(Y/n)'s eyes opened wide and looked at Star.
"Star! You have an ex?! How come you never told me?!"
"Because I just want him out~!" she said, her forehead on the table.
"That's the second time she rejects him." Marco said quietly to (Y/n) as Star kept complaining about how it's over between her and her ex.
"Seriously! Can't he just get a life?!"
"Listen Star, don't let this guy get to your head." (Y/n) said to her friend. "Just ignore him, he'll learn what independence is someday and when that happened, he'll just move on!"
"Thanks (Y/n)! You and your advises!" said Star as she lifted her head off the table. "But now that I talked about this guy, I just wanna forget about him. Let's go get some fooooood~!" she sang that last part.

"Don't worry Star, tonight, I'm going to make you another round of Marco's super awesome nachos! Now how does THAT sounds?!" Marco said, nudging Star as the three of them went to grab their lunch.
"Wait, don't you think it wouldn't be reasonable to do that when you couldn't get up after the one you had last night?" (Y/n) said with fake concern.
They went silent before laughing loudly.
"Well you two enjoy your night!" said (Y/n).
"What?! You won't join us? It's Marco's super awesome nachos~!" Star tried to convince her.
"Sorry Star, gotta study!"
"Oww~! Again?!"
"Yes. I know, the life of a high school student is full of hard times and impossible choices!" (Y/n) said with an over-dramatic pose, causing her friends to giggle.

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