: Rules :

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We all hate rules, but we gotta have them to make sure everything stays in line.


Siblings are fine, I dont mind. But I will not be playing my own parent. You will be playing the parent and I will find someone else to play in compromise with you.


You must use my form, I will not allow tagging. This is to ensure that everything in my form is there and is not forgotten.

Unwanted things

There are things that I do not allow in my roleplay, that are very unwanted. I do not allow depression, suicide, suicidal thoughts, cutting, abuse, smoking, blindness, deafness or severe medical conditions.


I would prefer to keep swearing to a minimum, which also means that you need to censor it. For example: fūck, sh!t, aśś


There will be absolutely no smut whatsoever. I dont care if your oc is mature and old enough, I am not having this book get taken down. So no smut.

Perfect/OP Characters

There is no such thing as perfect, therefore your oc cannot be perfect. They need to have flaws and weaknesses. Also, if your oc is something other then human, they cannot have every single power in the universe.

One sided

The roleplay cannot be all about you and your oc. If your oc is a sibling to my parent, then you cannot have the parent(s) focus just on your oc. If I see this, I will no longer roleplay with you.

Even Lines

Lines MUST be even. This is not up for debate. I understand sometimes people forget once or twice, but if this continues to happen, we will no longer roleplay. 3+ Lines PER character is the minimal.


I do have a life and I do indeed get busy. You can tag me every 8 hours. Commenting things such as, ' Hello? ' , ' ?? ' , ' . ' , ' you there? ' will not get my attention but instead make me annoyed and less likely to roleplay with you.


Passwords must be put in with the form.

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