Les poissons

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Volstagg tried to get out of there stealthily while the chef cut off the head of a fish.

Les poissons
Les poissons
How I love les poissons
Love to chop
And to serve little fish
First I cut off their heads
Then I pull out the bones
Ah mais oui
Ca c'est toujours delish
Les poissons
Les poissons
Hee hee hee
Hah hah hah
With the cleaver I hack them in two
I pull out what's inside
And I serve it up fried
God, I love little fishes
Don't you?

The fish head fell near Volstagg who let out a cry of terror and tried to reach the window.

Here's something for tempting the palate
Prepared in the classic technique
First you pound the fish flat with a mallet
Then you slash through the skin
Give the belly a slice
Then you rub some salt in
'Cause that makes it taste nice

The chef throws the skeleton of the fish and then cut it into small pieces to which he added salt and pepper.

"Zut alors, I have missed one!"he said when he noticed Volstagg, he took the crab between his hands and filled it with the previous mixture of fish and spices.

He put a layer of flour, causing Volstagg to twist and then be thrown into a pan full of hot oil. As soon as his body touched the surface he ran out of it and hid in one of the silver trays.

Sacre bleu
What is this?
How on earth could I miss
Such a sweet little succulent crab?
Quel dommage
What a loss
Here we go in the sauce
Now some flour, I think
Just a dab
Now I stuff you with bread
It don't hurt 'cause you're dead
And you're certainly lucky you are
'Cause it's gonna be hot
In my big silver pot
Toodle loo mon poisson
Au revoir!

A servant entered the kitchen to take the silver trays and take them to the large dining room.


Thor was in the main dining room whose large windows let the sea see and the soft breeze moved the white silk curtains.

"Prince Thor thinks it wise to let this young man stay in the palace?"
"Of course Tony"
"With all respect and as your friend I advise you not to trust him much, he could be a traitor"
"Quiet, no I think he's not. It's so similar to the young man who rescued me even though it's not him" The prince's voice turned slightly sad "He doesn't have his melodious voice, a voice I'll remember until the day of my death"

The doors opened and they both looked away. Loki entered wearing blue trousers, black boots and a purple shirt, his long hair had been cut and now he used it short, at the height of the man and a small smile adorned his pink lips. The blue gaze became tender, he couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful figure, it radiated incredible beauty and sweetness.

"Sweet young boy"he said, standing up "You look so beautiful that you overshadow the starry sky" He took his hand in his and kissed his back delicately "Please, take a seat"He accompanied him to the table and opened his chair

The servants began to set the table and serve white wine in golden cups. Loki saw the silver fork on the table and immediately remembered what his friend Hogun had taught him, took the fork in his hands and combed his short hair with it. Thor frowned and exchanged a quick glance with Tony who was about to burst out laughing, but he was tender to see the happy smile of the young man with green eyes.

"Dear, I'm afraid that in the kingdom of Asgard that isn't the use that we give to the fork, but I'm sure that in your kingdom that should be and that's where your beautiful hair came from"

Loki's cheeks put on roses and left the fork on the table in shame. Another group of servants came in with the food.

"What delight has the chef prepared for us today?"Asked Tony

"Crab, my Lord"he answered while uncovering the food

Loki saw surprised Volstagg who was alive and served as food, raised his plate so that he could pass and escape.

"Oh my God and where is my food!"exclaimed the man with brown hair when he realized that there was only the layer of lettuce

Loki smiled innocently and shrugged, while Thor let out a soft laugh.

"Please bring another dish for Lord Tony"Thor asked
"Of course Prince Thor"said one of the servants, bowing and walking out of there in a hurry

Once the food arrived, everyone began to eat, except for the young man with black hair who looked doubtfully and disgusted his plate.

"What's the matter with my beautiful young man? Don't you like the crab?"asked the golden-haired man when he saw that he hadn't eaten

When asked, his cheeks turned pink, he didn't want to be discourteous, nor did Prince Thor lose interest in him but the fact of eating something of the sea stirred the stomach.

"Don't worry my beautiful young man I will ask you to prepare something else for you"he assure him with a perfect smile of white teeth "Tell the chef to prepare something else for my guest and bring bread and cheese in the meantime"
"Yes my prince"Nodded the servant with a bow as he took Loki's plate from the table

Thank you, Loki thought, smiling sweetly at the kind and understanding young man in front of him. When a new dish of lamb meat, goat cheese and bread came along with sweet red wine, the black-haired young man ate, enjoying every delicious bite. In the end, it tastes much better and did nothing wrong with his conscience or his stomach.


Hello dear readers this is the chapter today, sorry for having abandoned them but with the university and a possible boyfriend, I haven't had much time to write.

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