Chapter 7

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I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! I  know I've taken way to long to update but I had writers block for the story then I laid off Wattpad for a while! I'm gonna have a new story about Billdip, which is Gravity Falls stuff. Anyways I'm updating now! This is the chapter where Harry goes for his first year at Hogwarts! I hope you enjoy, please don't hunt me down with pitchforks 😖

Harry's POV 

"How excited are you Draco? I'm really excited! I hope I'm in slytherin" I said to my bestfriend as we waited for the train with Draco's parents.

"I'm so excited Harry! I hope we're in slytherin together" He exclaimed. 

"I have no doubt that you'll both be wonderful slytherin boys." Draco's mum reassured us.

"I hope so Aunty, if I were sitting down I'd be at the edge of my seat!" I told her. 

Once the train comes.

Aunt Narcissa kissed both of us on the cheeks as we rushed onto the train. We managed to find an empty compartment and put our trunks away. We sat down next to each other and I yawned. I hadn't slept the night before out of excitement. "I'm gonna take a nap, kay Draco?" I told him.

"Ok Harry" he responded, and I leaned on his shoulder. We were used to this as we grew up together.  I closed my eyes and fell asleep quickly. After a while I was rudely shaken awake and I slapped the hand shaking me. Hard. I opened my eyes to Draco holding his hand which was probably hurting. A lot. I hit really hard, even harder when I'm rudely awakened. "Ow! What was that for?" He asked even though this happens all the time.

"You woke me up dimwit" I said, annoyed.

"You're so mean!"

"Stop acting like it's new information Draco." I rolled my eyes. This was just our usual bickering. Draco has, 'sensitive feelings'. More like he's a wimp but ok. He's my adoptive cousin though so I still love him. Growing up with Draco you learn to grow a certain tolerance to his antics.

"I was just gonna tell you that we're almost there and that we need to change into our robes" he said. 

"Got it". We changed in silence, and then we got our trunks ready. I quickly petted my black cat (that's right folks, no Hedwig.) Onyx. He purred and I put him back in his carrying cage. Just then the conductor announced that we where nearly there. We sat back down practically buzzing with excitement. Ten minutes later the train slowed then stopped and the conductor announced that we had arrived. We hurried off the train leaving our luggage behind to be collected as instructed.

"Firs' years! Firs' years over here!" We heard a gruff booming voice shout. We headed towards it with the rest of the first years.  We were herded onto a boat and a girl named Pansy joined us. (I'm not sure if Pansy knew Draco before Hogwarts, but for the sake of the story they didn't.)

Okay I know that's an awkward place to end it and a bit of a cliff hanger but I'm ending it there! Hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you peeps later!

*Apparates away in a cloud of pink and yellow glitter*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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