Essential Lore

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This story is going to be a Naruto and Elder Scrolls crossover. The only thing pertaining to the Elder Scrolls will be my own original character. I promise if you have not played The Elder Scrolls it will not make a big difference in the reading of this story. It is merely where she came from and will explain the abilities that she has. It will not have a large role to play as this is a story about the character finding where she belongs in the world, which happens to be with Itachi in the Shinobi world and comes after her adventures in Skyrim. I will explain in detail anything that pertains to The Elder Scrolls that is essential for understanding the character, but, as I said, that will not be much. It will most likely simply be the races that make up her heritage and the abilities that she possesses. Anything that you need to know I will either include before chapters or I will weave the information into the story.

Ancient Falmer(Snow Elves): A proud race of elves with an unusually great aptitude for magic, high resistance to frost, and very long lifespans. They inhabited cold, remote regions, and last inhabited Skyrim. They went to war with the Nords (a "human" race) believing them to be a lesser race and seeking to eradicate them from Skyrim, but were defeated, retreating to their Dwarven (Dwarves or Dwemer are a race of elves) kin who made them agree to serve the Dwarves in exchange for their asylum. The Falmer were betrayed, forced into slavery, and experimented on by the Dwarves causing their bodies to twist into vile creatures and causing their minds to be consumed with hatred. The Betrayed Falmer will attack and kill anything on site. A small pocket survived uncorrupted. In their time, I'm moving up the dates. Sloan will have been raised until the age of five in the Forgotten Vale, Falmer land in Skyrim, until her mother, who sensed the shifting tides of war, sent her to live with her father's people in Valenwood. I also don't want to deal with the whole insanely long lifespan, so I'm changing that. You'll discover how later in the story.

Bosmer(Wood Elves): The Bosmer, or Wood Elves, are the Elven clan-folk who inhabit Valenwood. They are looked down upon and seen as "less civilized" then their Elven brethren because they rejected the stiff, formal traditions of the high elves (Elven race who became the most prosperous and sophisticated race of elves after the disappearance of the Ancient Falmer), instead opting for a more romantic, simple existence in harmony with the land and its wildlife. They are relatively nimble and quick, skilled archers, and able to command simple-minded creatures. They have a nearly chameleon-like ability to hide in forested areas. They live to be around 300 years old and are mostly carnivorous and cannibalistic (they eat the flesh of their enemies). They also possess 50% resistance to poisons and diseases. Sloan will be raised there from the age of 5 to 12 when she returns to the Forgotten Vale to discover the fate of her people. After serving Skyrim in the civil war between the Empire and the Stormcloaks, she will leave Skyrim. For the sake of the story, I'm going to make it so that Tamreil(All of the lands in the Elder Scrolls) is a separate and very far continent on the same planet asthe one that Naruto takes place on. Neither lands have "discovered" each other so to speak (It'll be easier for the integrity of the land she will hail from since it is technically medieval).

Dragonborn: A warrior, of any race or gender, born with the blood and soul of a dragon, but the body of a mortal. They have the capability of learning and speaking the powerful Dov language, the language of the dragons. They have the same vulnerabilities and weaknesses as common mortals. Their greatest weapon is their voice and they can use dragon words, or shouts, as weapons. That ability will become more clear when she actually uses it. For the sake of the story, there will be no dragons besides the one she can summon. I will limit the amount of shouts that she uses to ones that seem realistic given the story and I will make them more of a trump card than a regular strategy. Trust me, dear readers, I will not leave you in the dark regarding anything pertaining to Skyrim. I will write this with the assumption that everyone reading has not played Skyrim.

Sloan: She is half Snow Elf on her mother's side and half Wood Elf on her father's side. She has a high aptitude for magic, wielding destruction spells (Frost spells, such as shooting ice spikes, and some fire spells), restoration(healing and protection) spells, and conjuration spells (Summoning creatures from the afterlife). Her conjurations will be wolves and, on rare occasions, a dragon. She will be Dragonborn, so she can use shouts. I'll explain that when I need to.

Thank you for reading this, I promise the amount of explanation will lessen with more chapters! This story is more complete towards the end, as it has been writing itself backward, so I can assure you of that last point. (The picture is of Valenwood, where she grew up) Standby for chapter one!


P.S. If anyone would like to request this story as a purely Naruto fanfic, I am not against writing two versions of it.

 If anyone would like to request this story as a purely Naruto fanfic, I am not against writing two versions of it

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(This is how I envision the main character)

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