Chapter 6

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I look at the broken container where my cybertronian body used to be. When the Autobots attacked, they destroyed the body. Now we have to start from the beginning. I wrap my arm where the needle once was. Shockwave did whatever he did when everything first started. Soundwave comes in to retrieve me. We walk through the hallway in silence.

:School Bus Tragedy: He says snapping me out of my trance.

"What about it?" I ask.

:We need more test subjects. You know what to do.: He played Megaron's voice. I look back at him.

"You're going to do it again?" I ask. He nods.

:Human: wants to come along?: He asked. I think about it. I enjoyed watching the last time. I look back at him.

"Yes. But I have a few things I want to change."

-Time Skip-General Narration-

A single bus drives down a silent road. There were a bunch of teenagers on the bus. Most were asleep being as it was midnight. Alex was sitting in the back with a pair of glasses on. She was wearing a baggy sweashirt and some jeans with combat boots. Her hood was on so nobody would see her... apendages. She looks down at her phone. A gps appears with a moving dot on it. Above, Soundwave was silently flying keeping a close eye on the bus.

"Almost there." Alex says smiling to herself. She had a com link in her ear so she could communicate with Soundwave. She felt a hand on her thigh making her look away from her phone. She saw a decent looking guy sitting next to her. On his other side was his sleeping wife. He was most likely a teacher.

"Hey there beautiful. What's your name?" He asked in a hush whisper." Alex moved his hand.

"Don't touch me." She says looking away from him. He places his hand on her thigh once again and squeezes.

"Don't be like that." He whispers in her ear. She stands up making him back away.

"Stop the bus." She says. The bus comes to a hault and everyone looks at her. Well, everyone awake that is.

"What's wrong?" A different teacher asks. She goes into the isle and starts to walk to the front.

"Something is about to happen." She says finally getting to the front. "If you want to survive, I suggest you stay seated and don't scream."

"What are you-" The roof of the bus was torn off showing Soundwave. Everyone gasped except for Alex. He turned towards Alex who was looking at all of the terrified people. She takes out a gun catching the people's attention.

"I'll repeat what I said," She says walking thorugh the isle once again. "If you want to survive, stay seated and don't scream." She says turning around. The people and teens on the bus huddle together in thier seats and don't make a sound. Alex smiles. "Good. Soundwave."

Soundwave pickes the bus up and put it into a cage. Alex opens the bus doors and stands outside of them. The cage was surrounded by fence wire. She turned back to the bus.

"Everyone out." She says. Everyone filed out of the bus and huddled in different groups. Alex went back onto the bus to make sure nobody else was left. Once she knew everyone was out she got off of the bus. She tapped the side telling Soundwave that everyone was off. He picked it up and threw it somewhere.

:Human:Staying with them?: Soundwave asked. She looked around at the scared people and spotted someone alone.

"No. Give me a second." She says walking over to the loner. He had his yellow hair covering his left eye. He was wearing a yellow sweater with purple sleeves. He looks up at Alex and panics. She crouches a few feet away from him.

"P-Please, don't hurt me." He stutters. She sits down.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Alex says smiling at him. He still looks at her afraid. "What's your name?"

"I-Issac." He stutters.

"Hello Issac, I'm Alex." Alex says. "Can I tell you something?" She asks sitting next to him. He looks at her wanting to know. "I won't let anything happen to you." She says. He looks at her with wide eyes. She stands allowing Soundwave to take her out. She sits on his shoulder as he activates a groundbridge. They walk through with the cage of new test subjects. They go straight to Shockwave who was already prepairing the containers.

-Alex POV-

"Set them on the table." Shockwave says. Soundwave does as told. I climb down his arm and stand next to the cage. Issac was looking at me afraid. I saw something blue flash in his eyes. I ignore it seeing as I wasn't really myself.

"I'm staying to watch." I infrom them both. Soundwave nods and walks away.

"Why are you really staying human?" Shockwave asked me.

"It's Alex." I correct him. "I'm staying so everything goes somoothly." I say. He doesn't say another word and opens the top of the cage. He takes out a handful of humans. They all started screaming and crying. I was smiling because that perverted teacher was in the bunch. I watch as they are all dropped. Almost instantly, you could hear their muffled screams as their skin burned off. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Alex-" Issac screamed as he was taken from the cage. I stopped laughing and followed Shockwave to where Issac would be dropped in. I watch him get dropped in. I let out a sigh of relief when I see that his skin wasn't buring off. But I knew, that this was only the first part.

"Human." Shockwave says making me look at him. "Lord Megatron has summoned you." He says. I look back at Issac who was looking at me with a worried look. Shockwave takes him and a few others out and goes to do the next part of the test. Soundwave comes in and holds his hand out to me. He walks out towards Lord Megatorn's throne room. Once we enter, I bow before him.

"You summoned me, sir?" I ask not looking up at you.

"Yes, Alex." He says taking me by suprise. I look up at him. "I'm, as you humans say, promoting you." He says. I remain silent waiting for him to continue. "I want you to replace Starscream."

"I-Is there a reason why, sir?" I ask.

"He has been relieved of his position." He says. I knew what he ment by that and decided not to ask anymore questions. "With this role, you must stay by my side. You are loyal to me and only me. I trust that you will not make the same mistakes as Starscream." He says. I bow to him once again.

"I will not disappoint my liege." I reply. Soundwave walks out with me in his hand.

"I'm guessing this is a big thing?" I ask Sound as we walk though the silent hallway. He nods. "What am I suppose to do, exactly?"

:Read: He tells me. He leaves me in his room and goes to do what he normally does. I grab my phone. On the home screen was a reading sent to me by Soundwave. I get comfortable and start to read.


It's been a week since the bus hijacking. I was currently sitting in Shockwave's lab as he did a few tests. Not on me though, on Issac. He looks over at me and smiles. I was surpised. For one, Shockwave called my Alex instead of human. Also, he informed me first.

"That is all." He says and walks away. Issac gets up and comes over to me. Soundwave was off doing something for Megatron. Me? I'm going to be checking out a new energon mine with Lord Megatron.

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