My mother's gonna worry but I'm fine in my heart

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bacc at it again boizzz



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thiccy.y/n howdy im vvv excited because i get to see my homeboy jack and his band play soon so thats probably what im finna talk about for the next few days tbh 
[tagged: jackandersonofficial]

jackandersonofficial  cant wait!!

y/n.stan  omgomgomg i shIP

y/n.calpurnia  wait you're friends with jack??

load more comments...


when are y'all gonna get heerree??


how long is soon??

idk? about an hour

hurryyyy upppp

i cant controll how fast the uber goes
theres so much traffic here wtfff

you say that like i havent lived here my whole life


ew please never do that again

i wont
that felt weird



hecc is right. i dont know why this is so bad but im having writers blocc

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