Forever Red

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The Oliver family vacation of 2002 consisted of the ten minute travel across their hometown of Angel Grove at the behest of two old friends who had recently opened their own hotel named 'Bulkmeiers.' The place reminded Tommy and Kimberly of the Youth Centre, and its happy, welcoming atmosphere, though on a much larger scale. Bulk and Skull seemed to be doing well for themselves the number of guests were any indication. Upon their arrival, they were met by the two proprietors themselves.

"Uncle Bulk, Uncle Skull!" eight year old Kira cried launching herself at two of her many uncles.

"Hey Monkey." Said Skull who'd been the one to catch her, earning a playful glare from his niece at the use of the nickname he and Bulk had given her after their time spent as monkeys when she was but three. Apparently she took great delight in them as monkeys, playing with them constantly and acting like a monkey herself; something she remembered nothing of, though had prompted the nickname.

"This place is great guys, thanks for inviting us." Kim said greeting them with a hug. They had seen the place a couple months ago when Bulkmeiers officially opened, however a tour had been the extent of their visit.

"We're glad you came." Said Bulk.

"Did we really have a choice?" Tommy muttered earning a smack from Kim. Tommy had been gunning for a real honeymoon this summer, not a family vacation. Due to Tommy's racing schedule, they'd had but a few days after their '98 wedding, and in the near four years since this was the first opportunity they'd had to have a true honeymoon. He hadn't planned on anything extravagant, they didn't have the money for a trip to Hawaii or anything, but time alone with his wife would have been nice. Then, Tommy's hopes had been dashed when they'd gotten the invitation from Bulk and Skull, and they'd come here instead.

"Hey, where else were you going to get a free room, free services, and free babysitting?" Skull asked.

"" Tommy asked incredulously.

"Yep. Have fun you two." Said Bulk. "Come on Monkey, let's go to the pool!"

"Yay!" Tommy stared after them with an open mouth until Kim reached up and closed it for him.

"Come on Handsome."

"You knew didn't you?" he asked as they carried their bags up to their room.

"I knew about the free babysitting part, not the room and services."

"But why do we need babysitting on a family vacation?"

"Tommy I know you wanted to go on an actual honeymoon this summer, and I'm sorry we couldn't. I asked around and between everyone's summer plans there was never a time we could have gotten away for more then a few days while still leaving Kira protected, so this was the best alternative. We've got two weeks almost to ourselves. Bulk and Skull will keep Kira occupied but we'll still be on site in case something happens."

"You expecting something to happen?" he asked and she shot him a knowing look.

"It's us, Tommy. Every time we think things are going well, something happens."

"Ok I'll give you that one." They arrived at their room and Kim pulled out the key card, opening the door and throwing their suitcases inside.

"But until something happens," She said with a seductive smile. "I fully intend to take advantage of all the childless time we're given." She pulled Tommy into a kiss, which he was only too happy to deepen as he swept her into his arms and carried her into their room.


Tommy was actually quite happy with this compromise, he admitted to himself as he went down to the pool area some hours later to watch Kira swim while Kim slept; even at eight years old, he didn't like being far from his daughter and this offered the best of both worlds. Once seeing that Kira was happily playing with some other children, Tommy took a seat on a nearby deck chair and began to read the paper he'd brought with him. He was interrupted only once by Bulk and Skull as they reverted to their old teasing ways and tried to embarrass him about the fact that they'd been asked to babysit specifically so he and Kim could have sex. A glare from Tommy, however, had them backing down and apologising, retreating to the outdoor bar. Hours passed in which Tommy looked up occasionally to check on his daughter but other then that he quietly read his paper as his wife slept in their hotel room. That she was still sleeping had Tommy inwardly smirking at the thought that he'd worn her out. His solitude was once again interrupted by Bulk and Skull.

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