Happy couple and Weird things

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Toshinori's POV:

I was getting ready to head to the station thinking about what I had done all week to try and convince Misty to agree to a date with me. Monday I got her flowers, Tuesday I got her, her favorite bubble bath when I noticed she ran out, Wednesday a movie at home on the couch that she picked. We were both laughing so hard our stomachs were hurting. Thursday I got her an All Might jacket, though in hindsight I think that was a little conceded. And this morning I'm planning on taking her out to her favorite breakfast place. I just hope she changes her mind.

"Ok I'm ready." She says walking out in a simple tee shirt and jeans. "Are you?"

"Yeah, Hizashi just texted me saying that Aurora is taking a nap on the couch in the booth until the end of the show that is when we're going to show up and play the song." I tell her slipping on my jacket. Upon closer inspection of her shirt I see its one of mine, not one of the big ones I wear in case I need to become All Might but one of the ones that fit me that I use for around the house or work outs. "Is that one of my shirts?"

She looks down. "Is it? When I did my last load of laundry last night I needed some more so I took some of your cloths and tossed them in, I thought I got them all sorted guess not. I'll go change."

"No it's ok, besides we don't have time lets get going." When I turn my back I was grinning ear to ear, she was wearing one of my shirts even though it wasn't on purpose she still is. 'Take that Aizawa.' "I'll drive today, you still seem tired."

"That's fine thank you." She follows me out the door and into the car. "Toshi can we talk about something on the way?"

"Anything you want." I open her door for her and close it after she gets in then I get in the driver side and drive us to the station.

"Did you mean what you told me Saturday? About how you feel about me?"

"Every last word."

"And am I right to assume that you are trying to get me to change my mind, and that is the reason for all the little gifts this past week?"


"And you're not going to stop until I agree."

"I won't stop til you can look me in the eye and tell me that there is no chance of us getting together. Or until you tell me that I am creeping you out."

She sighs. "Fine. I will go on one date with you for now. And it will be the same rules I gave Aizawa, casual dates, you can go on other dates to if you want, we are nothing official, and this stays out of the press. They intrude enough in my hero life I don't need them in my private life too. Though that doesn't stop them from trying."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Have you seen the tabloids lately?"

"Try not to what happened?"

"Well I pulled a civilian out of the way of falling rubble with my capture weapon and I covered him as the debris fell. Well to cover him he we were close, someone got a picture and it looked like we were about to kiss. The headlines read 'Brain Freeze's love on the battle field. Who is this mystery man?' ick they need to back off. How do you get work done with them always up your butt?"

I let out a laugh, "I try to ignore them til I'm done saving the day."

"Even still. No idea how you and Hizashi deal with them, Aurora too for that matter. I agree with Aizawa they just get in the way."

"Well they can be overbearing sometimes yeah. I'll give you that. So when do you wanna go on that date?"

"Hm I'm free Monday. I work Saturday and Sunday this week. We got word of a backdoor arms trading ring, stuff that make quirks stronger and stuff like that. I'm going undercover to bust it up, since you know I have plenty of experience in that sort of thing."

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