Chapter 5 : Mission

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Your POV
I'm going to a school on the I-Island (for those of you who didn't watch the movie)
I-Island is the place where all the world class scientist do their..sciency stuff. But I told dad I would finish this year in Shoto's school, so we get to hang out. Uncle David, or Dad's former collaborate, set me out a one-on-one academic/hero school in which I forgot the name. But I call it I-School, for short. It's my birthday today and I'm going patrol with the pros later after school. At the moment, I'm with Shoto eating lunch. Shoto actually brought a lunch today so I didn't get to go back and bring him one. I got really embarassed coz like....I have..a sensitive side, that I don't want people to see. Clearly because I know heroes are all serious and not that careless with their work, unlike my dad. Dad Might is the No.1 hero so he won't worry because he can fight off people with a flick of his fingers. Heroes are not goofy, silly, and carefree like I am. That's why I'm practically dying inside. Okay, so it all startdd when I was eating lunch. Shoto tapped my shoulder and all of a sudden- "Y/N there's a cute ant right beside you." He said so calm and chill. IM AFRAID OF INSECTS OKAY? WHAT IF IT BROUGHT ITS OWN COLONY AND THEY ATE ME? I screamed since I saw not 1, not 5, almost 20 surrounding my feet. I KNEW IT!


Turns out a first year dropped his ant box or something. He was using it for his science class and stumbled when he went to the rooftop to eat lunch. He was carrying the box and it broke. I helped the guy using my quirk.

For fucksake.

I can't use the Memory Erasure quirk on Shoto for seeing that because it will give him a morning head attack for more or less 4 years. So I don't wanna do that..he might wanna let me explain why I did it in the first place. Shoto is laughing his ass out right now. I'm just staring at Shoto till he stopped laughing. "*chortle* I didn't know you have this side Y/N!" He kept on laughing. "Kyaa!! SHOTO STAWPP!!" I fold my arms and Shoto pats my head like I'm some kind of cat or something. "You're so cute when you're angry." He says, finally stopped laughing. I blow out raspberry (something like "PTTFFFF") and push his head a little. "Cute garbage more like." I said. "Nah you are cute when you're mad I might tease you often." He smiled. "Why me??" I tugged his hair. "Where do think I can have fun? With my dad? I may look cold but you bring out the best in me Y/N." I smiled at his compliment. Like, holy shit I'm good at making friends. "Well thanks."

Bell rings.
Way to ruin the moment.

*after class*
Shoto waited for me at the gate today and gave me a little cupcake with a candle on it. He sang me a quiet happy birthday and left me a gift. A really big gift. It was as tall as me and even wider than me. I asked him why this big and how he got it here. He said his dad told him to give me something big and so he told his dad to get it delivered here in school. Just then, Dad Might comes. I go home quite late, so less students get to see All Might but every now and then they got use to him but I hear some "woah"s. "Ah Young Todoroki brought my Y/N a very big gift!" He exclaimed. Oh my god Dad stop stating the obvious.
Dad picked it up and gestured me to walk already cause I'll be late for patrol. I disappear in a flash and got home really quick.


I'm in my sports wear and right in front of Aizo-san or Aizawa-san. I call him Aizo-san coz its cute and he hates it. "There's been a hostage holding near the border of Musutafu and Tokyo, you'll be saving them with me this year. Happy 13th Birthday." "Awww thanks Aizo-san!!" I cheered. "Jeez kid, when will you ever stop calling me that?" He rolled his eyes. I got into his car and we drove away.
I was looking out the window when I looked around the car. This was where my life changed. I let a small laugh escape my lips. "You remember that time?" Aizo-san's voice reached my ears. I mocked a laugh and turn back to the window. A half an hour later, we arrived to were it was held.Police cars were everywhere and a few pro heroes were seen. I didn't put on a mask since I have invisiblity. I looked at Aizo-san and he nods. I got out of the car, Invisiblity already activated. I got inside the building and apparently they taking children into hostages. This was a tutor building and the villans scared off the teachers but the students remain. "What did they say they wanted in exchange for the children's freedom?" I ask through the earpiece. "10 million yen, they'll start killing the hostages at any moment." Aizo-san replied. Such bastards..sacrificing innocent children for money.

Time to work my magic.

I blast on my full speed. That basically means I almost froze time but its just super super slow around me. I spot the villans standing on chairs while the children were under the teacher's table, crying. Now, this is THE BEST part of patrol day. I get to have amazing technology on my very hands. Although I made only one, this is proudly my invention or rather my idea, with the help of Uncle David and Melissa-san. The Quirkless Blanket!

I know the name needs work.
Technically it does Aizawa-san's quirk but you have to wrap it around the subject. It can make the subject quirkless. But once the blanket is removed from the subject, the quirk goes back. So the material has a gel like cover with a chemical that was found during my 8th birthday, I was on patrol in Mount Fuji when I saw a irregular substance in the snow there. Uncle David called it Quirkostance, because it can eliminate quirk cells continuously but quirk cells produce fast so it can erase quirks once its in contact and it stays. Anyway, I have one with Uncle David and he told me he'll give it back once I'm in UA. But as of now, for patrol days I only have shock executers. The lead terrorist was there eating the food which he demanded for the children, but I see the children probably have empty stomachs. What a fucking bastard. I attach a shock bomb on the lead terrorist and on his men he's with. I grab the kids and put them in a police car which Aizo-san is standing beside it. I double check the premises. After a little while, I disactivate my full speed and activate the shock bombs. They all fall to the ground. I went back into Aizo-san's car and overheard a police man. "Ahh..I should've remembered its patrol day today." He said and let out a chuckle. "She would never fail to impress me." A prohero said. I'm not doing this for attention, I'm doing this for the people who can't fight for themselves. I wanna be...a great hero. Aizo-san gets in the car and starts driving. "Y/N, you're 13 now right?" He asks. He's serious. "Why did Toshinori have to let me tell her? That guy wasn't ready to be a dad." I hear him think. "Tell me what?" He turned to me and stopped by at a corner. He stopped and looked at me. "We are giving you a important mission before you enter UA, and it will make you get in quite late." "Jeez get straight to it."

"It's about your Dad."
"Your first Dad."

Sooo yeahhh..
By the way, this story might not follow the plot sometimes, considering this mysterious mission you'll be doing. Sorry for another short ass chapter. 1400

- Kiyoko😻

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