Chapter one

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Your P.O.V
Sigh...looking at the ceiling and thinking about what will happen to my new school, would I get bully or what?
I dont care anyways.

I stand up from my bed, and go to the bathroom to have a nice shower after that i get dressed up and continue going to school

When I was done I quickly go to my car, and start driving
I'm the only one who is living in this mansion my parents went away and have business. I'm the only child though, so I'm lonely in here.

I'm not that normal
I have some powers that I don't know my parents know it but they never told me
And I know someday it will show up

I was parking my Ferrari at the school parking lot and everyone just look at me like geeez
And whisper:
She must be the new girl!
Yeah,she seems pretty and cute!
Maybe she will be the new bully!?
No way,she can't be

Yeah,seems like I care
I go to the principal office and get my schedule:

Art Class
Break time

Huh,I just have 5 classes to go
As I look at my schedule, I hear a kid crying and begging for mercy? Then I find them, a skeleton getting bullied by the jocks, poor kiddo

I walk to them and help the nerd skeleton and I see the jocks were some kind of monster

"You alright?"I asked him " y-yeah " he replied "so your the new girl huh,you see don't mess with us or you will be just like him" the leader of the jocks said "I don't care" I say to them as I walk the skeleton to the clinic

"Do you know who I am!? I'm PJ!!, I'm the who will destroy you!" He yelled At me but I ignored him "tsk, coward" he said then they go somewhere

Idiots...I said to myself, me and the skeleton reached the clinic and I let him healed "hey.. What's your name? He ask " oh, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), just call me (N/N)" I said to him "well I'm fresh btw" he smiled at me then blushed "well i got to go now I don't wanna be late" I said to him then he nodded, "she's beautiful" fresh whisper to himself

Ahhman, I don't know where's art class is, I try to find the room of it then the bell rings "Hey!" A skeleton yelled then I turned around and see a skeleton "you should go to your class now"
The skeleton said to me.

"Well I don't know where's the class is so I'm struggling to find it" I said to him
"Well then I'm the teacher of the art class your the new girl right?, I'm Mr. Ink nice to meet you" he smiled at me "so let's go?" He said then I nodded

He leaded the way to the room then I go in first and sit on my chair then Mr. Ink showed up "Okay class let's start our lesson but first let the new girl introduce herself "

I stand up from my sit and go infront, my classmates were looking at me some don't care at all, and some of them were interested on me mostly the boys

" I'm (Y/N),or just call me (N/N) I'm (Y/A) thats all I hope we can be all friends" I said then returns to my sit, I've notice Mr. Ink have a rainbow blush on his face and I don't know why he is like that when he was with me going in here

But I don't mind, Mr. Ink started his lesson and we have an activity to do,
Draw something that is expressing yourself, I started drawing and while Mr. Ink were observing he notice my art and really happy with it " good job (Y/N) your art is amazing" he smiled at me happily.

Some of the girls we're glaring at me full of jealously, what's with them? I thought then just ignored it.

An hour later, the bell rings then its time for the next subject, I tried to ask someone to where is the science class is, but no one cares but then a guy help me "hi there, I'm frisk, I can help you to go to your class what class is it?" He asked me I tell him what is my subject so he lead the way

Finally someone is being kind to me
We reached the science class, then he go to the class where he is, I go in the room and no one is there maybe I'm too early , I find a good spot to sit then I just looked at the window thinking about random things

Then monster came in the room, someone sit beside me and it was the skeleton again, p.j why him I said to myself

"Hey there sweet cheeks" p.j he said, annoying why him...
I ignored him then gaster came in, I know him already we do alot of experiment in his lab like creating monster or something his like a father to me

"Miss (Y/N), please introduce yourself to them" he said then I nodded, I introduce myself again and it still the say expression of my new classmates

As I was gonna sat down P.J remove my chair so I fell down, I see all of them laughing at me but then gaster speak up and get angry he put p.j in detention and just glared at me on the way out.

An hour ago, the bell rings and its time for the break time favorite time!!!, I go to the cafeteria and go to the lunch man I get my (F/F) and (F/D).

I was finding a sit then frisk called me "come sit with us" he said , then I sit with them, he introduce his friends
'Alphys,papyrus,blooky and asriel'

Well I think I will have a many friends in here

"Hey punk!!"a fish lady called me with anger I see her standing on the table of jocks and the jocks were looking at me glaring and p.j with it.

I'm in trouble

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