Blue Acid vs. Purple Lightning

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The night sky never felt so clouded by the smoke of the city.

Dashing past the collapse buildings felt endless. Even when most of the people had evacuated. The once now bustling and populated city was now an empty shell of what it used to be.

That aside even at the state of the situation, he knew what he was looking for. He just had to trail the stream of corrosive liquid.

His energy crackling purple while sprinting through the many streets his mind worrying.

"Where are you?" He spent several minutes following the acidic trail. Luckily he did not look further.

The supposed corrosive liquid had stopped before a building. It was rather a small shop, a general store. While it's size seemed shorter than the others standing tall next to it, the shop carried a significant feeling of sentimental value.

Walking, he opens the door which caused a chime to ring. He noticed the lights were off. Looking around, the door to the main house was slightly open. Taking that door nob and turning it. It opened to a hallway of further darkness. His footsteps were casual knocks against the wood floor.

Upon reaching the living room, he was met with a pair of yellow eyes. They glowed brightly in the darkness staring at him.


His voice was soft and patient. As much he was happy to say that name it was painful when it left his tongue. The pair of eyes approached a bit closer and the figure became apparent underneath the moonlight.

Her blue skin was first to appear, then her same-colored hair that was as curly as his, and finally the two horns protruding on top of her head.

She carried a stoic expression before looking away from him.


Both of the adults said their greetings.

"Have you made your choice?"

Yes, that was the whole purpose of this meeting, to conclude the choice. A choice to live forever together and repopulate the empty planet they stood on. Continuing the human race to be even stronger and better than before. With the powers that only two of them held, no one else from this world stood a chance. Those who did not accept their unknown powers where terminated by Mina herself. As a result, one termination became two, then three, and so on so forth. She couldn't bare to live in a world where everyone viewed her as an alien, a creature to be tested on. So she fought back and the man that stood in front of her understood her reasons. what cost did that bring them both. All of their once mutual friends died by the hands of the government or the people who hated their powers. Family members turned their backs on the powered pair. There was no one to trust but each other.

Both of them understood each other's pain. Deception, anguish, betrayal, abandonment, and heartbreak. That's why Mina pushed for the idea of starting anew with Izuku. Since when they were kids, they understood the pain of living feeling ostracized and labeled as a freak of nature. Powers that no one could explain, yet even when the pair tried to do right by society, they were hit once more that the old human race could not move forward.

That was the first and only option that Mina could ever side with.

Izuku's plan was to send them back into another dimension where most people were just like them, unexplainably "quirky". He wanted Mina and him to have a fresh start and relive the best experiences of trying again. Giving humanity one more shot.

Izuku nodded before answering the question. Looking forward into those amber orbs surround by darkness, he settled this decision.

"I want us to be reborn."

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