The Beginning

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"Izuku where are we going?" Inko asked her son as he led her to a destination she had not been told.

"I want to see someone." Keeping it as vague as possible, he didn't want to rise suspicion if he had mentioned Mina or the fact that he was seeing his lover. After all hearing that a four year old child has a lover would be cute but a bit confusing which can lead to a variety of suspicions depending on the guardians.

It started with Izuku changing into his shorts and shirt before dashing out of the house and announcing his departure. Which Inko freaked out which genuinely scared Izuku of how worrisome this Inko is compared to the old one. Instead of bargaining or demanding he would go like a normal kid, he thought maybe it would be best for Inko to meet Mina. So he grasp his mothers hand which Inko grasp his in return and the child walked with his mother to the park.

Upon arriving there, both Midoriya found a bench facing the fountain and took their seats.

"Izuku? Who is it we are meeting?"

"My....My...ahh...friend! She is waiting for me." Izuku was doing his best to sound like a four year old. These past couple of days handling his new personality was rather taxing on his patience. Every time he seemed a little more than he let on, he would curse himself for almost arising suspicion. Then again this was his mother in this world, Inko would just draw the conclusion that maybe he was starting to mature just a little bit sooner.

Hadn't he be a four year old and a kid in his early teens that could work. But nonetheless, Izuku had to keep his actual thoughts in mind and not body.

As they soon approached the park, he was met with a tackle from his now-pink lover.

"Izu!" Mina exclaimed catching Inko and Izuku by surprise as both children hit the floor with the boy of the pair hitting his back. He sighed happily, the feeling of her wrapped around his body was sensual. He returned the gesture to make sure this embracing moment was not one-sided.

"Hey Mina." The pink girl snuggled into Izuku's chest. The girl felt her lovers heat building up, all thanks to her. Not that they minded it.

"How are you purple pea?" Izuku blinked at the nickname. It was what Mina called him when they started dating. She said it a lot over their late adolescents until they reached mid adulthood and elderly years(chronologically of course) when she came up new nicknames along the way. Izuku would still hear it from time to time again all the while feeling his chest with affection.


"Purple pea?" Inko repeated aloud getting both supposed four years to blinked blankly before both looked up at the green-haired woman.

Immediately Izuku spoke. "Yea! She meant green pea, right? Her favorite color is purple by the way!" Mina nodded along with Izuku's excuse.

"Still though, I don't think I never seen you around dear? Izuku where did you meet- what's your name young lady?"

"It's Mina Ashido! Hello Ms. Midoriya!" The pink child introduced herself brightly. Izuku was relived that Mina can put up this persona of a child so easily. Given that her personality was fun and exciting ninety-five percent of the time.

Inko smiled at the pink child. "What a sweet name. It is nice to meet you Ashido-San, I am Inko Midoriya, Izuku's mother."

'I know', Mina thought. Izuku heard her. 'Keep it up, your doing great.' His encouragement was short lived by a man calling out for Izuku's wife...lover...*sigh*...associate.

The three looked across the park playgrounds to see a man and woman looking across at them. Calling out for their daughter.

Izuku saw the annoyed expression on his...friend's face before she put up the act again. "Mommy, Daddy! Come'ere!" With a nod from the other adults, they introduced themselves to Inko while Mina uses this chance to take Izuku into the play ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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