When They Think You're Leaving

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Requested by yooriaaa

Situation : Your sister comes to visit you and y'all go out. BTS came back to find that you're not at home and see your sister's suitcases and think that you are leaving them.


To keep it straight, Jin wanted to surprise you by coming at your house directly from the airport. He was out on a tour and was back tonight.

When he arrived, he knocked but you didn't open up. He thought you're asleep so he'd go and surprise you with a warm back hug.

When he opened the door, he saw that two suitcases were on the floor. "Jagi? Jagiya?" he called out getting a bit nervous. Why were your bags out? He quickly went to the bedroom but did not find you. Suddenly the lock of the door clicked open. He rushed out to see you. "Jin? You here! Hi–" you stopped midway when he hurriedly came and hugged you. "Please don't leave me and go!! I know I stay away for work and don't give you enough time but please! I love you so much!!!" he whined.

You smile and part. "Oppa! I am not going anywhere! What are you saying?"

He looked over the bags when your sister walked in. "Here are the bags– Oh, hi Jin!"

Soon Jin understood that your sister had come and he felt so stupid so he scratched the back of his neck making you giggle at his embarrassment.


You had certainly written a note that you were going out with your sister but it must've gotten lost (your window was open and it was a windy day). When Rapmon came back and saw two big suitcases in your bedroom he totally got freaked out.

You and your sis were in a movie hall so your phone was silent and when you came out you saw 56 missed calls from Namjoon and 211 unread messages. They all went like..

Baby where are you?
You didn't really leave right??
Babe don't leave me! I love you!
What did I do wrong?!!?

You yourself got freaked out and rushed home with your sister right behind. As soon as you entered your house you saw him sitting on the couch with his head hung down and the boys either trying to contact you or comfort him.

"Joonie what the heck happened!?" you say scared.

He looked up and was almost surprised to see you. "Y-You came back! W-Why are you leaving!?"

"Where am I leaving!?" you got confused.

"I saw the bags..." he mumbled with questioning eyes.

Your sister who was just watching goggled her eyes and said immediately, "Those are mine! I came to stay with y'all today!"

And that was it. Hella embarrassing moment for our logic king Break Monster. (Did I mention he was so worried he broke 3 glasses while drinking water? Lol)


This is Yoongi we're talking about. As soon as he saw the suitcase, he tried to open it. When he couldn't (because of the lock) he threw it out of the window so that you cannot leave (without your clothes you see XD)

When you and your sis came back you saw Yoongi sitting on the couch silently. When he saw you, he got up saying, "You can't leave me and go without telling me why!"

You furrowed your eyebrows, "Why will I leave you? I'm not leaving you for the next 300 years."

Then he got all confused and said, "But that suitcase? Oh, hi (Your sister name)"

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