A Girl in the Night

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There will be a guy
Who will look at you
Like you are some magic!
It may be for a moment
For years
Or for a lifetime...
I don't care!
All I want you is
to delve into him.

Like you've been waiting for him,
Like your happiness
wonders upon his presence!
Like the stars would twinkle,
the waters would sparkle,
the winds would blow,
Only to let you know!

Like if he smiles,
the stars would come down.
Like if he smiles,
Your dress would flow more.
Like if he smiles,
the grasses would look greener,
the darkness would look darker,
and the lights would shine more!

I want to see you whirl around
To rub your hairs and smile through.
As if there's some freedom in his presence.
I want to see you fulfilled
with him,
In that moment...

Video version of the poem (link below):

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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