Chapter 8

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"Seriously though, why did you and Daryl date?" Michonne asks us. I shrug my shoulders, while placing a slice of canned fruit in my mouth. "It was like in 8th grade er somethin'. I asked her to the formal. While we slow danced she went in for a kiss." Daryl answered.

"Liar." I said, smacking his arm. "I did not go in for the kiss, you did! Believe it or not that still wasn't our first kiss. The principal stopped us." I mumbled the last part. They all laughed while Daryl and myself kept quiet. Having an immature side to myself, I crossed my arms and stuck my tongue out at them.

After a few minutes their laughter died down. Of course after they stopped laughing they just kept hammering Daryl, Glenn, and I with questions of our child hood.

"Oh! Remember that time when Ashlynn was all dressed up to go on some date with this kid and then you got mud all over her!? That was hilarious!" Glenn said looking at Daryl. Daryl snorted and nodded his head. I know I remembered that.

"I hate the both of you." I said narrowing my eyes at them. They both looked at me and smiled at me like idiots. I rolled my eyes and decided to tell my side of the story.

"During school the new cute kid asked me out. Obviously I said yes. After school I got all dressed up. Make-up, hair, dress, the whole package. So I walked outside and of course the two idiots who lived next door to me, were outside on Glenn's quad. So, they decided to come and say hi to me. As they came closer to me, they sped up. Oh and Daryl was driving." I stopped to take a breath.

"Anyway, they sped up really fast and as they passed me they drove through some mud and got it all over me. I ended up crying for like a half hour. Then because of them, I had to cancel my date. The cute kid and I never talked again." I finished.

The boys, Daryl and Glenn, looked at me with yet again smiles on their faces. "You deserved it." Daryl said shrugging his shoulders. "Oh really why's that?" I ask.

"Well, I think someone, *cough* Daryl *cough* was jealous of your little boyfriend." Glenn smirked and nudged Daryl in the side. Doing that makes Daryl's hand turn into a fist. "Whoa there, calm down dude. I'm just playing around."

Daryl stares at him for a few more seconds and then turns back to the direction of the fire. I stifiled a laugh causing, Daryl to immediatley gave me the death stare. I mimicked his face, making him roll his eyes at me. 

"Ashlynn?" Carl says. I give him a look, "Sorry. Ash, why don't you ever talk about your dad?"

"Carl!" Rick says, "No, its okay." I say, "You see Carl, I don't have the greatest relationship with my dad. Not like you and your dad. My dad and I always faught. Especially after my mother passed. I usually liked keeping my distance from him. That's why most of my childhood was with these two over here." I said pointing at Glenn and Daryl.

Carl nodded and then it was quiet. It was almost too quiet. I just ignored it and we all settlled in for the night.


I woke up my eyes heavy with sleep. I had also noticed my head was beating with pain. I put my hand up to my head and when I brought it down, there was a small patch of blood. I sat up from my slouching position, taking a look at my surroundings quite confused actually.

I yawned and stretched my arms out. I slowly got up wiping the dirt off my pants. A woman stood about 20 feet in front of me with a big smile on her face. "Ashlynn! Darling come here, give me a hug."  A tear slipped from my eye, realizing that woman was my mother.

I smiled and ran to her, wrapping my arms around her waist. I suddenly noticed I couldn't wrap my arms around her waist all the way. I stepped back taking a look at her. She's pregnant. Did she die pregnant?

"I'm still her Ashlynn."

I jolted up from my sleep. My breath had quickened, same with my heart beat. What did she mean by, "I'm still here" ? I started to wonder. Did mother ever actually die!?

Flash Back

I swallowed hard. "Daryl, my mother's dead." I said. Glenn and Daryl walked up to me, ginving me hugs and saying sorry about my loss. My father had come home and told Bradley and I the bad news. Daryl held me in his arms while I sobbed. He rubbed my back while Glenn told me it would be okay.

Obviously I knew that was comlete bullshit. It was never gonna be okay.

A few days later

I sat there in my black dress, looking down at my mother. In the coffin, that wasn't my mother. That was just a body. My mother was sitting right next to me, I could feel it.

Flash back Over

My mother is still out there. My father lied to us I just know it. MY mother is somewhere out there in this cruel world. And I will find her.


Short yes but, i just finished my homework like 2 hours ago. This chapter was really just about Ashlynn and her mom. How did you guys like it? Btw I have 300 reads is that awesome or what?! 3 comments for the next chapter.

QOTD- Do you think Ashlynn's mom is really alive? Or do you think she's just plain crazy.

<3 Terrilynn

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