Chapter 44❤️

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Jah looks so cute in that picture.

I woke up to see Tiffany asleep on my stomach.

My head was a pounding mess and I felt sick and sore.

I tired to sit up but she was holding onto my torso tight.

After struggling to get her off I finally did.

I stumbled to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked horrible but then I felt throw up coming up my throat.

I quickly bent down to the toilet and threw up all that disgusting shit I drunk last night.

I don't know what happened but I know that I got drunk.

I flushed the toilet and rinses my mouth with cold water.

I let the water hit my face also, causing me some relief.

I brushed my teeth after and walked back into my room.

I saw Tiffany sitting on the bed watching some show called 'The Real.'

"Good morning mamas." I said sitting down next to her.

She didn't say anything she just smiled a little.

"You alright?" I said looking at her.

"Yeah I'm fine." she said scooting away a little.

I knew she was probably mad because I got drunk as hell last night and I still feel like shit.

I grabbed my phone and went onto Instrgam to see that my name was trending.

I was confused and went to the explore page to see the same video multiple times.

Some were a side by side video and some were just one video.

I tapped one of the side by side videos and it played.

It was some girl with long black hair sitting on top of someone.

The video continued to play and I saw clearly that it was me on the bed with her all on top of me and shit.

She had on a white bralette and some black short.

My face crunched at the scene. I was about to stop the video but everything that happened last night was slowing coming back to me.

I was taken advantage of and this girl was going to rape me until obviously people interrupted.

The video consisted of mostly the camera shaking and yelling.

But you could clearly see the main points.

I saw halfway thought the video Tiffany on top of this girl beating the shit out of her.

The whole thing played before my eyes.

The first video ended with someone coming in and grabbing me and Tiffany.

I couldn't see the person though.

In that same video someone put a video of when Tiffany got raped by Armon and I beat the shit out of someone.

I had to stop the video but I noticed the caption said "What a coincidence." indicating the fact that we had both been taken advantage of at a party and there was a fight involved.

I think Tiffany was watching me on my phone because she got up and stormed off.

I sighed and rubbed my temples.

How the fuck did I let this happen?

I got up and walked downstairs to see Tiffany sitting in the couch with her knees to her face clearly thinking.

Something was bugging her but I couldn't see to tell.

"Baby I swear I didn't know her and I don't know why she did that." I said rubbing her back sitting next to her.

I heard her begin to cry so I sat her up and observed her face.

I noticed she had a cut on her face and her lip was swollen.

I wiped her tears with my thumb and placed a kiss on her lips.

She didn't kiss back and I was confused.

"I can't do this anymore." is what she finally said.

"What do you mean?" I said grabbing her face.

"I mean what I said." she said sniffling and walking to the stairs.

I grabbed her arm and turned her around.

Before I could even say anything I spoke up.

"Look Jah I love you with all my heart. But with what's happening right now and all thais shit with Geneva I can't do this anymore." she said looking into my eyes.

She was referring to the fact that lately over time Geneva has been calling me at night and bugging me 24/7.

I didn't even say anything I just let her go upstairs.

When this same exact shit happened to her I was there through everything but now she just leaves when shit goes down.

I'm not blaming it on her but I don't even know the girl.

After a good 10 minutes I saw her come down with a bag full of the small things she kept here, since she hadn't fully moved in here.

She still had her stuff at her mom's house.

She walked down the stairs and went to the front door.

I followed behind her with tears on the verge of my eyes.

I never ever cry but this shit hurt. The girl I was in love with was breaking up with me and leaving over some fucking thot.

"I love you Jahseh. Call me whenever you need some comfort. I'm sorry to leave but I'm not mentally stable at the moment." she said twisting the door knob since her uber was outside.

"I love you more." I said standing behind her.

The uber was honking for her but before she could close the door I grabbed her and placed a long kiss on her lips.

I put my forehead on hers and we stood there for a second embracing each other's breathing.

"Don't forget me. I love you with all my heart and whatever is going on I'll fix it. Please take care of yourself." I said letting a tear roll down my eye.

She shook her head in agreement and walked away.

She left me. And I was again. All alone.

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