𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘐'𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦;

411 37 40

ㅡ; the school day was passing by slowly. since mashiho woke up late, he could barely keep his eyes open throughout his lessons. the cold weather didn't help his sleepy state, making him bury his head deeper in his yellow hoodie with every passing hour.

asahi hadn't questioned his friends' tired state, knowing he probably went to bed late while trying to figure out the darn physics homework. he simply poked the other to wake him up from his daze so they could finish their given tasks.

''you really have to stop staying up so late y'know?''

"it's not that," the shorter sighed, "my alarms didn't go off and i guess my brain is just chilling on autopilot."

"i see," asahi said in a fake concerned voice, "but could your brain please go off of autopilot mode because we have the calculate the angle and i don' have my calculator."

and thus, physics was over and done with, for now at least.

mashiho was really not feeling it today and he doesn't know why. he went to sleep at a decent time, yes, he woke up late and in a rush but it wasn't the first time. he really couldn't wrap his brain around it, and his sleepy state really wasn't happening.

"how about you just go home, mashi." mahiro suggested after he saw how exhausted mashiho looked after p.e class, "i have a feeling you might be running a fever.''

"no," mashiho protested, "i'm fine, just tired, i think all i really need is a good hot chocolate and a long nap.'' asahi chuckled at that and turned to yoshinri, who was peacefully sitting next to him, "how 'bout we all go get some hot chocolate at the cafe by the park? i've never been there and i heard it's good.''

"sure!" they all replied, happy to finally get to spend some time together.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥    

"i can't believe mashiho is late," asahi sighed, placing two of his fingers on his left temple, "again!"

"chill, he's probably springing as fast as he can with his tiny legs," haruto mumbled, leaning back against the lamp post by the bus stop next to their school, where the four japanese boys were waiting for mashiho.

"fair enough."

"do y'all this the place has iced t-''


before the person could drive straight into asahi, yoshinori pulled him to the side, getting the perfect view of the dude falling face first into the sidewalk.

"you fucking geezer, are you okay?" another male drove to them on their way too low seated bike, "i'm so sorry, are you okay?" the blond turned to them, bowing down slightly and then helping his friend up, whose chin had blood dripping from it.

"we're fine, is he okay?" haruto asked, picking up the male's bike, that was chilling on the main road. "does anything hurt- oh." the youngest stopped mid-sentence, realizing he knew the familiar face. "it's you." 

"glad to meet you again, please call an ambulance, i'm mcdying." junkyu mumbled, dramatically plopping down on to the street, holding his arm, "suk, tell my cat i love her."

"stop being so dramatic and get up, we're disturbing people." two other males came up, both looking much more mature and taller than the rest of them.

"can't you see i'm in pain, gon, please, call 911."

"it's not even that bad kyu," the other blond said, "we'll just go to a store and buy some water and plasters."

"hoon...i can see the light..."

"..is he okay?" mahiro whispered to haruto who just shook his head "no", still keeping his eyes glued to the tall idiot.

"hey guys i'm sorry that i'm..." mashiho was running to his friends, but soon stopped after he saw the scene in front of him, "...late."

"oh hi mashi!" suddenly junkyu was up and alright, happily brushing off his pants and smiling to the younger.

"what the-" hyunsuk mumbled, walking over to the two other males, "you were just sick and dying, begging us to call and am-" he was soon shut up by junkyu placing his palm over his friend's mouth.

"nonsense. anyway hi mashi, what are you doing here?"

"i uh," he pointed to the large building behind him, "school."

"since when is junkyu this bad at flirting?" one of junkyu's friends asked, not really caring that he said it out loud.

"can you shut it, dinosaur head?"

"can we go now mashi? it's cold and i want tea!" asahi broke the awkward interaction and started dragging mahiro and yoshinori with him, "join us when you're ready."

"coming!" mashiho yelled back to his friends who didn't stop walking, "sorry junkyu, i have to go, i'll see you later-"

"wait, mashi," junkyu grabbed the younger's hand before he can go anywhere, "can i please get your number? i'm tired of running into you only on accident."

numerous "oooohhh" were heard behind them, but mashiho ignored them, much to junkyus pleasure. 

"yeah, of course." he smiled, and took out his phone, giving it to junkyu who took it way to eagerly.

whilst junkyu was tapping in his number, mashiho looked over his shoulder to see his friends watching them happily, so mashiho, being the lovely boy that he is, smiled and waved at them, in a way of greeting them. the three happily waved back, one even throwing him a finger heart.

junkyu gave him his phone back, "text me when you're free!"

"will do!" mashiho smiled, getting ready to leave, "also junkyu!"


mashiho handed the male a pink packet, that looked like bubblegum, "stop smoking or you're never getting that text."

and with that, he left, with junkyu yelling at him, "ya! don't say that you fricking mushroom!"


please support sf9's comeback and treasure13's debut! have a nice day dumplings!


also, here is a small playlist inspired by this fanfiction! i'll hopefully add new songs as the story progresses! love y'all! 

also, here is a small playlist inspired by this fanfiction! i'll hopefully add new songs as the story progresses! love y'all! 

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