EXTRA CHARACTERS (not that long)

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These character are basically the ones that aren't from any of the families.

Park Jimin

Park Jimin

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Age: 23

Born: October 13th, 1995 in Busan, South Korea (he was born there first)

Jungkook and Jin's best friend. Bubbly smart ass. Makes everyone happy when they're sad. A big hoe. Teaches Taehyung stuff he has to know about the 21st century. Hates people who talk to his friends (Jin and Tae) Doesn't believe you easily, but eventually gives in. Far from innocent. Loves Taehyung's sibling and they love him, cuz bitch, who wouldn't?

Status: Omega, not mated

Relationship: Single but not for long (Yoongi)

Min Yoongi

Min Yoongi

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Age: 25

Born: March 9, 1993 in Daegu, South Korea

Jungkook's right hand man and best friend. He's known Jungkook since they were little. Jungkook only listens to him and respects him. Is like an older brother to him. Trainor for everything. Takes shit from people? No. Overprotective of the people he loves. Super badass. Most confident person on earth. Soft for babies.

Status: Alpha, not mated, but has fucked many people

Relationship: Single, but not for long (Jimin)

Jackson Wang

Jackson Wang

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Age: 28

Born: March 28, 1990 in Hong Kong, South China

Drug dealer in mafia. Major crack head. Makes everyone laugh. Tries to be serious, but fails. Protective. Best fighter. If someone who he's selling drugs to gives him trouble, he shoots them. Loves killing.

Status: Alpha, mated

Relationship: Married to Irene for 4 years


Age: 23

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Age: 23

Born: May 2, 1995 in Bangkok, Thiland

Buys the shit for the mafia. Does a lot of illegal things, including drugs. Lonely as fuck. Basically eats alcohol. Only loves his bed and his mama, i'm sorry. Crack head, literally. Kills perfectly. Hides the bodies. Knows how to cook. Flirts a lot, but badly. Hates kids.

Status: Alpha

Relationship: Not mated, single

Kim Yugyeom

Kim Yugyeom

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Age: 21

Born: November 17, 1997 in Namyangju, South Korea (OMG I JUST LEARNED THAT HIS BIRTHDAY IS THE 17TH OF NOVEMBER JUST LIKE MEEEE, UWU OML, but i was born in 2000, lol)

Kids are his passio-fashion, no no- PASSION. Always happy. Innocent, uwu. Loves cleaning and cooking. Bubbly and enthusiastic about everything. Doesn't curse. Loves pink, gay as fucc. Caring. Loves balnkets and puppies. Kind of a mom. Has a collection of rocks (me) Artistic. Always will be there to PROTECC his friends (Momma Jin and TaeTae)

Status: Omega

Relationship: Not mated, single


sO! That's it for the extra characters. I had to change a lot of shit, but I hAd tO!1!1!1!!!11!

I hope you liKeD iT! I don't know how fast I'll be updating, but I DO have school, so I'm sorry. I'll try to update as fast as I can! <3

See you in the next chApter!1!11!!!!1! 💜💜💜

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See you in the next chApter!1!11!!!!1! 💜💜💜


- YOU ARE A QUEEN!!!!!!💜

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