Passing Days ~ Hetalia Story (Reader Insert)

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Author's Note: Hello! This is going to be my new Hetalia story (as you can see lol xD) aaand it is going to be rather sad.. aand depressing, but! things will brighten up, you just wait~ :) In this story I created a sorte of friend figure who I'll adress as [friend's name] so you can choose whoever you'd like for it to be. But be warned that this friend isn't a nice person, she'll basically turn behind your back so I suggest that you don't choose your bestfriends name for this xD 

Warning!: There will be the use of drugs, but not from you, from you father. Just thought I'd put that out there. Well, I hope you enjoy! 


With every passing day you had hoped that things would be different. But to your dismay, everything stayed the same. If anything, the situation would only worsen. It came as no surprise to you, you had learned to never rely souly on hope since from your experience, it was good for nothing.

You had always worked for what you wanted. I'm not talking about materialistic items, no, I'm talking about creating friendships and deepening relationships. You know, those things that involve feelings. 

You worked very hard to make others happy and for everything to be alright, only for those around you to never even notice and not even seem to care. Not even the least. 

Even so, you didn't mind. It used to bother you but, after a while, you simply got used to it and expected everyone to not notice the little things that you'd do for them that you put most of your effort into.

Those of which I speak of are your parents and your only friend, if that's what she should be considered as. 

You see, [friend's name] is a very nice girl and you're glad that you have her to talk to, but most of the time she's not even there or she won't even care. It's not like you'll sacrifice your friendship or anything and it's not like you're only friends with her because you feel alone, it's just, as close as you both are, you tend to keep a little of distance between each other. Maybe it's because of who she is, though it could also be because that's just how you are.

As for your parents.. well, they fight, regularily. Not physically, you were hoping that it wouldn't lead to that point, but for the time being, they fought with words instead. Cursing at one another with pure hatred. If this is what marriage turns into, you'd want nothing to do with it. 

It wasn't right for your to hate the whole entire act of marriage because your parents haven't been having a good one, but it seemed like the right and only thing that you could do at the time. After all, your parents weren't necessarily fit for one another.

Your dad would always spend his days at home abusing his addiction to cocain as he felt as though he could do anything with the euphoric sensation overpowering his body. Being consumed by such bliss had a costly price of course, the kind of price that he could no longer afford. Your father never worked, seemed to always have money for cocain and yet, was never able to sustain your family's needs. 

The only reason why he was still able to pay his dealer was due to the fact that he constantly borrowed money form your mother, who would work for pennies and still try her best to put food on the table. 

With the actions of your mom, being as selfless as they were, she was also the one at fault for causing this family to drift apart. With her constantly working, she was hardly ever around and with the marriage that she is a part of always being questioned, she coudln't help but to get away for a couple of hours a few times a week after some of her shifts.

She began to see another man, cheating behind your fathers back, and for the longest time he never even had the slightest clue. The day he found out was also the day he broke back into his habit. He's been fine for years but he knew what was happening to his marrage, he just didn't want to believe it. Numbing away the pain and erasing the thought from his mind was the only thing he was concerned about now.

Not any one of you wanted to believe. Not even your mother. The three of you simply proceeded to live a lie. In order to make everything feel okay, you all pretended that it was. 

With passing days, everything stayed the same while slowly worsening.

Nothing seemed to be alright anymore. Not even the change of seasons. 

Passing Days ~ Hetalia Story (Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now