Chapter 1

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Jimin walked through the with snow covered ground. Step for step. Until he stood in front of the building which was his new school. 

He gulped

He was kinda nervous, because it's been a week since jimin moved to seoul and he didn't know anyone here. The fact that school already started 2 hours ago didn't make him feel any better.

Time to jump in the cold water he thought and entered the building. he pushed the glassdoor open and went in. Nobody was in the hallway

Jimin got more nervous, almost anxious what if lessons are cancelled???  wait you stupid, everyone is surely in class rn, go and find your classroom dumbass jimin told himself.

He looked around and quickly found a building plan hanging on the white wall. Jimin searched up his classroom and found out that it had to be right above him.

He went there, and when he was standing right infront of his classroom his nervousness came again.

Okay, you're park jimin, 18 years old and not shy NOT SHY. You'll get this. I believe in you bro. Jimin thought an gave himself a clap on his shoulder.

Then he knocked on the door

Time to jump into the cold water one more time.

Jimin stood there a couple of seconds, before the door was opened and a soft smile greeted him. Jimin smiled back.

"Ah, look who we have here. you have to be our newcomer"

Jimin just smiled and tightened his grip around the loop of his bag.

"You're late"

You fucked up jimin thought. 

"But who cares, come in, my name is mr. lee" the teacher said and pulled jimin inside the room.

Jimin was taken by suprise of the sudden actions. He looked at his teacher, and than forward. He was standing infront of a bunch of students. He felt how his blood rosed up to his cheeks, his heart started to beat and how dry his throat was all of sudden.

The students looked at him with blank eyes, some of them grinned and some didn't even pay attention.

"So, my dear and favourite students. We have a newcomer in our class. his name is Park Jimin. Jimin, introduce yourself if you want to" the teacher gifted him a soft smile again

Jimin smiled back and faced his new class again. by now, more students payed him attention. You can do it jimin!  Jimin smiled to the class, then he cleared his throat.

"Hello, my name is Park Jimin, I'm 18 years old and i moved to seoul last week"  Yes boy you did it Jimin smiled proudly

"Can you please marry me?" a girl said. Jimin looked at her confused and kinda shock. his cheeks heated up again.

"Uhm-.. i think not, sorry?" Jimin kind of mumbled

"what a heartbreaker... Jimin, you can take the free seat at the window" the teacher said and pushed him a bit.

Jimin sat down and took his pencilcase out of his bag.

"This class ends in less than 5 minutes, you don't have to take your stuff out" the boy next to him whispered. 

Jimin looked up into a pair of soft brown eyes. The guy smiled and jimin was taken away by his beauty.

"close your mouth otherwise a fly will fly in" the boy chuckled. Jimin instantly looked away, blushing again.

"By the way, my name is Kim Taehyung"

Started this story spontaneously

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