{A Showdown Between Warriors, The Young Shinobi's Burning Pride}

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In the deepest cavern on Mount. Norikura lived the famous samurai, Touma, who exiled himself from the outside world. He slept in during the day but traveled through the forest below during the night. Some say that his life was empty. Unfilling. It was as if his mind became a deep dark abyss that all his insecurities and emotions fell into without any warning. Yet, there had been one brave little soldier who stood at the entrance of the cavern that wished to challenge his views on life.

"Hey, jackass!" 

That courageous warrior was none other than the shinobi known as Ryoko Hiragana.

"Hey! Hey! Come out here and fight me already!" Ryoko shouted.

He purposely threw rocks inside of the cavern to draw out his adversary, but Touma wasn't interested in moving an inch.

"You think you can just beat me in a one on one battle and leave?! No way in hell! Get out here and fight me, right now!"

"Go away, kid,"

"Not until you give me round two!"

In the shadows, Touma reached for the handle of his blade, growing annoyed at Ryoko's insensitive barking of orders. Although, just thinking about the situation itself wasn't very motivation worthy to him. He placed his hand back in his lap and stared at the floor. 

"Why do you choose to fight?"

"Because you—"

"No, you fool, why do you choose to fight in general?"

Ryoko was caught off guard by such a thought-provoking question. His eyes widened just a bit, not seeming to understand what Touma was asking him for. A bit of sweat rolled down his face and hit the puddle below him. Touma could hear it and already guess that even Ryoko didn't know why he fights.

"You're not fighting for the sake of a war, you're also not fighting to impress anyone either, so what exactly are you fighting for, Ryoko?"

"I...I just want to be strong is all!"

"Is that it? You just want power?"

"Yeah! Then I'll be able to beat anyone! But the first step to becoming super strong is beating you!"

"...I see,"

Touma reaches back for his blade, picking it up from behind his back and stabbing it in front of himself.

"And what will you do with all that power you swear that you'll gain? Bully people around with it? Make them prostrate to you? What exactly are you looking to find in power, kid?"

"Don't worry about it! Just fight me already!"

"No answer again huh? You're quite the stubborn little bastard,"

"Yeah, well, you're just a stupid, murderous samurai who abandoned his village after slaughtering them all!"

"...Is that what you think..."

"Yeah! Now, no more talking! Get up and fight me!"

Touma stands up, showing off the broad reflection of his sword as the moonlight bounces off of the blade.

"Fine then, kid. Let's go,"

In one step, Touma was able to move without Ryoko being able to see him coming. He brought his left knee into Ryoko's jaw, making his body cock back. Touma then proceeds to spin in reverse, smacking the heel of his foot into Ryoko's neck, causing him to fall from the nine-thousand feet high mountain. Ryoko lands back first into the forest ground as Touma watches him from the mountaintop with eyes of an eagle.

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