Part 15 Who Are You - LEMON

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  "Thanks anyways" while waving behind me, I looked back for a second to see him mouth the words 'good luck' i let off a slight smile before entering Shigarai's room.  I slowly creaked open the door  to see a dark silhouette standing in the middle of the room

"Shigaraki?" I asked a deep husky voice replied

"Think again... Y/N"

"Natsume? Please don't do this again" I begged the same deep voice replied

"But last time wasn't fully satisfying" as I heard those words leave his mouth I fell to my knees and started to beg I wouldn't normally stoop this low but anything to stop this

"Grab her" as he said that everything went black and when I opened my eyes again I was in that basement again I had no idea what time it was or where I was what if I had missed something at school something important it felt as if all of my energy had been drained from my body

"NATSUME YOU BETTER GET THIS SHIT OVER WITH SO I CAN GO HOME!" I yelled hoping I could escape somehow I waited for a bit before starting to loose hope. I turned by back to the door for a second and he managed to sneak in

"Please Natsume I'll do anything else" I exclaimed but no reply he just pushed me down on the bed and started to strip me as my screams grew louder the laughter from upstairs grew as well without any warning Natsume shoved his whole member into my mouth causing me to tear up he continued to face fuck me while another guy shoved his dick into my womanhood just when I was ready to give in the laughter from upstairs stopped followed by faint explosions 'Bakugou?'
"Die! Where is she!" Definitely Bakugou I managed to get Natsume off me and scream out to him
"Bakugou down here!" I waited for what felt like hours for him to find me I heard the door smash open followed by a worried looking Bakugou I smiled and everything went black

She looked so sad as she slept she's lucky I found her she doesn't deserve what's happening to her to and no matter how hard it was gonna be I was gonna stop it that's what hero's do she had been missing for 3 days and all i could do was prey she was okay 'i don't know why but i feel comftable around her i don't feel angry which is weird for me maybe i love her'.... i shook my head and instantly cast the thought aside 'theres no way'

"katsuki I'm home" ugh the old hag

"WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I CARE?" i yelled back storming out of my room


i sat up 'where am i' i looked around and instantly recognised one the messy edgy room and two the sweet caramel smell (if you didn't know nitro glycerine of the thing Bakugou sweats as part of his quirk it smells like caramel have your random fact for the day) i smiled and went back to sleep knowing i was safe



hiiii its me i finally finished i decided not to leave this one on a cliff hanger so you guys don't hate me also i wanted to let you know that this would have come out quicker if i didn't have a few personal issues go on just as school started the main one was that my boyfriend cheated on me that really messed me up we broke up a few weeks ago and I'm still not fully recovered from my trauma

i love you all for sticking around and ill prey that nothing will go wrong and stop me from getting the next one out quickly

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