Chapter V

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Most people know my aunt was diagnosed with cancer and had to go through surgery. That very reason is the cause of my slow and crappy updating. I was helping to take care of her while dealing with the news. Those that already knew (Everyone on wattpad and on my facebook) I want to thank you for wishing her a fast recovery and keeping her in your thoughts. *Bows*

Major Tea bashing warning.

By the way it may seem like there is an intimacy thing going on between Malik and Heba. There’s not. It’s in a completely friend way. Do not miss judge it or Marik may get pissed off.

Chapter V

“Yugi.” Heba groaned at his future self as he continued to pull at his new school uniform. It was tight and itchy and just all around uncomfortable. Said future self turned to his past life and smiled innocently.

“You only have to wear it for eight hours.” He paused swallowing thickly and then adding quietly. “Monday through Friday. Five days a week.”

Heba’s eyes widened and he turned pale. “Remind me to get Atem to send the person who made school uniforms to the shadow realm.”

Yugi giggled and shook his head. He did feel bad for Heba but school regulations required him to wear the uniform. And even if they didn’t, wearing the Egyptian Tunic to school would guarantee him a beating. Even if Heba could defend himself in a physical beating, the mental beating would probably get to him. “That’s the last of your worries. Right now we have to do something about Tea. I am almost positive she will try something on Atemu she always does with Yami.” He down casted his eyes at that his voice getting quiet and miserable at the end. He would admit it, he was jealous and seeing Tea all over Yami half the time pulled at his heart strings and made him want to cry out of frustration. He knew he should just tell Yami how he felt, but the possible rejection kept reappearing in his head and reminding him of the more pain there could be if he was rejected. He was glad now that his mind link was hooked to Heba and not Yami. When he got over emotional he sometimes lost control of the link. A problem that would normally send Yami running to his side and asking Yugi what was bothering him.

Heba smiled sympathetically to him and he walked over and placed a light hand on Yugi’s shoulder making the boy look up at him. “Don’t worry Mini me, I have a plan.”

A vein popped in Yugi’s forehead at that. “Were the same height! I am not short, mini, shrimp size!”

Heba put his hands up in an ‘I surrender’ way and backed up. “I was thinking we could enlist the help of Bakura and Marik.”

Yugi’s eyes widened. “I-I was so evil.”

Heba smirked and nodded. “I guess you were. Anyway for what I have planed we would need the help of the rod barer which according to you is Malik?”

Yugi nodded and then turned to the door when Yami knocked and walked in with Atem followed closely behind. “Ready to go?”

They nodded and followed the men out and to the drive way.

Atemu’s eyes widened and he looked to Yami. “I have to get in the metal death trap again?!”

Yami rolled his eyes and got in the driver’s seat and Yugi got in the passenger.

Atem swallowed a lump in his throat and slowly got in the back next to Heba. He put the seat belt over him and pulled it as tight as it would go and then clutched to door for dear life.

Heba calmly put his seat belt on and looked to Atemu cocking an eye brow. “You okay?”

Atem stiffly nodded and flinched when Yami turned the car on.

Past and Future Love (Yu-Gi-Oh Yaoi FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now