I Wouldn't Mind giving Up my Wings for You

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-I have always wached you from a far. How i longed to meet you. To be in you presents. And when i did get to know you i was happy. When you said yes to me i was the most happiest man in the world. For you i wouldnt mind giving up my wings. I love yo.....

Tears roled down Y/N face as Jimin took his last breath. The heart moninter stoped beeping. All was heard was a flat line. But to Y/N all could be hear was the viod. The viod that slowly started to kreep into her heart. The man that she loved and wanted to start a family with, died in her arms.


Its been a couple of years since he died. I still miss him terribly. I can't even say his name or think about him without crying. Why did he have to go? Why?! Why!? I tired to move on, forget him but the memory that we shared haunt me. The memories that i though would bring me happynes in the future. Now they only bring back the sadness and pain. The saddnes of knowing that i will never get to do those things again. And the pain of losing the only man that understood me and was capable of loving me for me.

But i have learned to live with it. I have learned to deal with the pain and sadness. I learnt how to keep it all inside and make evryone believe im okay. Although i still cry each night and dream of him coming back to me. I wish my dreams were  reality.
Narrator P.O.V

A boy stood in an empty alyway. Staring at a young girl walking down a street with a mask over her face. Her face radiated happyness but he new she was sad. The mask that she had could never hide her true feelings form him.

Y/N walked down the street toward her job in the office. With a coffe in hand. A smile was plastered on her face. Oh how she wished people could see through her mask. How she wished that somebody would realise that she isnt happy. Everyone told her it will get better. Youll get through this. Youll fined love. And at the stared she believed it. But now she relised the hard truth. Nobody could save her.

As she was about to enter the building form the side of her eye she saw a familiar figure. Thier eyes meet. No it couldnt be. She blink. And the figure was gone. She just shook her head and headed inside . Preparing for another day of misery and lies.


It was late at night. Y/N had her earphones in her ears. Not giving a dam about the world or what's giong on around her. She wass cross the road with out a care.

A car was speeding down the road. The driver saw the younge girl crossing the road. He hit on the breaks but it was too late.

As Y/N was in the middle of the road she heard the screeching of tires and someone screeming her name. She turned to see a fast car approaching her. She froze on the spot. As the car got closer and closer her body started to shake. "Finaly ill be able to see you" she though to her self. She closed her eyey and waited for the impact. It never came. She opened her eyes.

Next thing Y/N sees is the ground that she once stood near and the car that should have hit her on the side of the road. A couple of minutes later she was set down on the ground. The thing that caried her landed thurther away form her. Its back facing her. She could finaly see her savior. She could  see that it was a man. White wings adored his back. The black clothing that he was wearing made them stand out much more. But somthing about him reminded her of someone. No! It coudnt be! He.. he died.

-It's not real. Im just hallucinating or dreaming. Your died. I saw you die in front of my eyes! You died in my arms.
-It's me. I'm back. Its just im a fallen angel now.Y/N, it's really me.
She looked at the boy. The boy that she wished and longed for. It was him. It was realy him.
The girl ran to jimins opened arms and cried. But this time she cried tears of happynes. For the man that once she thaugh was dead is alive and in fornt of her.
-Remember what i told you. I wouldnt mind giving up my wing for you.

Sorry if there is any gramma mistakes.

"I wouldn't mind giving up my wings for you" (Bts Jimin) Where stories live. Discover now