Chapter III: A Normal Day

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"Everybody out, we're here!" the bus driver shouted.

Everyone clambered out of the bus, and I immediately heard the bell to signal to the students to get to class. I sighed and groaned as I dragged my feet on the way to class. The school day happened normally, me and Tristan in the same class for most of the day, and when we got home, I collapsed on the sofa, relieved that it was the last day of school. We rode the bus back home, this time discussing what we wanted to do for the next three months (that's how long our summer lasted).

When we got home, I dug through my backpack to find my phone, and I found that, being in a group chat, I already had 52 texts. I skimmed the conversation before just leaving the group chat entirely.

"Hey Fuchsia, what did you have for lunch?" Tristan asked.

"A burger with everything on it... Why do you ask?" I replied.

"Oh, I thought Mom might've switched ours, and you just confirmed she did."

"Okay, whatever," I replied, not thinking anything of it.

"C'mon, let's go outside." I said, tossing my phone on the couch. I hadn't put my shoes back on yet, so I just pulled my socks off. In the backyard we had an over sized apple tree, a Jeffrey pine that towered over our one-story house, and a swing set that I liked to sit on and think. I could see a hummingbird eating from the bird feeder hanging from the apple tree, so I tip-toed towards the hummingbird, when it looked at me. It (miraculously) didn't fly away, but just looked at me curiously, as if I was actually a fascinating person. I lightened up, hoping today would be a good day for everyone, even though I knew mine wouldn't be.

"Wait for me!" Tristan yelled from inside the house.

"Hurry up, slowpoke! Mom would be faster getting out the door than that!" I taunted, calling over my shoulder. I grinned as I saw him running at me with his shoes untied, laces flying in the wind. I lied down in the grass and patted the ground next to me gesturing for him to sit.

"Now that it's not raining, it's a beautiful day," I said quietly, not wanting to disturb the quiet sound of nature. In the distance I imagined I heard (it was actually water going through the gutters) a beautiful river, with trees and wildlife surrounding it. I just sat there (I lay there?) in silence for about five minutes, just appreciating that there is still trees and grass on Earth. You don't get too many moments like these.

Tristan broke the silence with a sigh. "You know, you'd be a lot happier if you appreciated me too."

"I know, but you should just be thankful I've put up with you for fourteen years," I said jokingly.

"Hey!" Tristan kicked me, and I knocked his feet out from under him, sending him to the ground (he was still standing). We laughed on the floor and stared up at the sky. It isn't often two people see the world at the same pace.


"Time for dinner," Mom shook me awake. I had fallen asleep in the grass while Tristan climbed the pine tree. I sleepily opened my eyes and sat up. 

The sun was setting as I sat under our tree. My mom was smiling over me, and I rubbed my eyes in attempt to wake up fully.

"What time is it?" I mumbled through squinted eyes. I may have just rested, but I was exhausted and sore, probably from sleeping on the ground.

"7:00 o' clock. We've been waiting for you to wake up to eat," Tristan called out from the top of the tree. I slowly got up and walked over to the base of the apple tree.

"Then get down, I'm awake!" I yelled, and I shook the tree to see how well Tristan could balance. He fell off his branch, but grabbed it before he could fall. 

"Ha! You tried," he teased.

"Whatever, hurry up and get down! I'm getting hungry now!"

"Mom, what's for dinner?" Tristan asked. I was curious too.

"What's for dinner you ask? I made your favorite!"

"Spaghetti!!" we said in unison.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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