Murky Guidance

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Another day, another layer of stress.

Mikhail trailed around the blimp he had to call home. It's been three years since he's lived in this hell of a home with none other than the devil himself.

"Yevgraf," Mikhail grumbled upon seeing the tall, pale man sitting comfortably on his red cushioned couch. Sending the turned vampire a smirk, Yevgraf sat up "ah, hello Mikhail. I didn't expect to see you so early in the day~" just the look of the man's face made Mikhail want to punch it.

A chuckle left Yavgraf's lips as he saw the look in the younger's eyes, "Mikhail~ your bloodlust is showing" he taunted earning a growl from the said twenty-year-old. Only once. Mikhail wanted to punch Yevgraf's face just once.

Three years enduring the older man's words. Three years taking in the words of those around him about how lucky he was for being favored by Yevgraf.

'Me? Favored? Huh, those people are sick if they think I'm being favored by that demon! I've had to endure so much because of him and his vampire underlings.'

Perhaps Mikhail's stress and rage became too obvious because his silence made the grin on Yevgraf's face stretch with a sickening feeling. "If you'd like, I can tell you a way to relieve some stress" he suggested suspiciously. Mikhail could only nod his head and take the advice, "go on." It was true that his anxiety was beginning to overflow so maybe he really needed to Yevgraf's words to heart this time.

'Just this once.' Mikhail told himself. 'Maybe this beast will say something useful... or not.' A second had not even passed and Mikhail was already regretting his encouragement to the vampire's offer.

An offer made by the devil himself.

"I'll give you the address and the directions later. Make sure you save up enough anger and stress~" Yevgraf's words were mixed with a lace of mischief and Mikhail couldn't help but doubt the older one but what could he do? All he was capable of was enduring this man's words despite how vulgar they were. Grumbling an "alright," Mikhail went to go walk around the airship.

He despised being in the same room as Yevgraf for too long.

As the day drew on, the turned vampire thought about his earlier actions of accepting Yeavgraf's proposal. 'Ah... who am I kidding? That asshole saying something useful? Pft, as if.' Mikhail could only hate himself for agreeing. His stress had been getting to him.

The pressure of becoming a vampire- the very thing he hated.

The pressure of not knowing if his little brother was alive.

The pressure of just being alive while his brother might be dead.

It was all too much to take and Mikhail hated that.

Before he knew it, the sun had gone down and Yevgraf had called for him. Going to the front, Mikhail took a deep breath to compose himself before walking up to the devil himself.

"What do you want?" Mikhail asked with a glare. Yevgraf chuckled and slipped two slips of paper on the table in front of him.

"Go to this address and hand them the other slip of paper. You'll thank me later~"

Yevgraf's cocky grin made Mikhail want to punch his face in. But he couldn't. He knew he couldn't. So with a reluctant sigh Mikhail grabbed both pieces of paper and set out. The stationary airship allowed a straight fall for Mikhail as he landed gracefully on his feet. Heaving another sigh the turned-vampire looked at the address written on the paper and began following the directions listed. Through streets and roads past people and animals, the journey drove Mikhail into a mental current. 'Why is it so far?' Mikhail asked himself in exhaust.

Although he was a vampire, his exhaustion referred to his mental state that wasn't as strong as his physical state. Nonetheless, Mikhail found a bit easier to breathe and once he accepted the absence of Yevgraf, Mikhail found his walk a bit relaxing.

Further on, Mikhail found the amount of people on the street become less and less as he got more distance. He was sure he was following the directions accurately so he continued on his way but it wasn't until he got a bridge that he stopped.

You'll find a bridge with a red lamppost on both sides. Cross that bridge and look for a sign that reads 'Rainclouds Over Wushan.'

The directions were upfront but Mikhail felt his heart grow hesitant. Was he really willing to go through with whatever Yevagraf was asking? What if Yevgraf was laughing at how gullible he was?

Mikhail gave a turn of his heel but stopped once he thought back on his walk. The peace knowing Yevgraf wasn't watching him.

'Fuck it. I can't waste this valuable time.'

Mikhail encouraged himself to walk across the bridge. He didn't notice it until he made it to the other side, but the red street lamp beside him had a more vibrant color that appeared dull due to the murky glass. Something screamed for the man to reconsider his choice: should he really keep going? Actually, he could keep going and never look back, try to find his little brother and any other Sirius, find the Ark and use it against Yevgraf.

The bastard.

Turning around, Mikhail noticed the amount of people on the street; mostly men and women. But for some reason the deeper he walked the more he noticed how revealing these women's clothes were. Their dresses slit up above their thighs and it made the twenty-one year old a little nervous. Where the hell did Yevgraf take him? Looking from sign to sign, Mikhail continued to search for the words 'Rainclouds Over Wushan.' But what meaning did it have in a sketchy place like this?

Left and right, Mikhail scanned for those three words but he couldn't help but feel embarrassed walking down these streets filled with entitled men and seductive women. Every now and then he had a lady come up to him in attempts to take him to bed and it wasn't until then did Mikhail realize where exactly he was...

The Red Light District.

'Yevgraf... you son of a bitch!'

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Hehehehe... guess who finally decided to make a Mikhail X Reader. Heh

But may I introduce you to Red. This story take place a few years before the anime. Okay, I have no idea how old Mikhail is in the anime but after some thinking and calculating (from a person who sucks at math), he should be 27-28. Not in his 30's yet but in his late 20's. If you guys wanna out in your opinions then be my guest.

Also, what do you guys think about me posting this story? As you know the Red Light District isn't the most kid-friendly place so keep in mind there is going to be mentions of sex, abuse, language (obviously), and other things my sleep deprived ass can't think of at the moment.

I'll try to update my stories when I can. We been given more hours at work so I have been occupied. I have been working more hours than I'd like but I guess there's nothing I can do.

Well that's my situation right now. How are you guys doing? Are you guys doing okay? I know we're in a tight spot but remember that we can get through this as a community. And to my fellow people who are being blamed for this predicament, just remember that we shouldn't let it get to us.

We can do this, babes! Let's show that, even in dire times like these, we can still stick together!

Also congrats to my graduating seniors! I know this isn't the best year to graduate in but props to you guys for going through four years of high school.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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