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The rooms atmosphere was quiet yet dark, and some would say unsettling. The teenage boys stood there in the room waiting for the person that summoned them to be there in the first place.
"Do any of you guys know why we're here?" Will whispered.
"No idea." Lucas replied.
"Maybe we're in trouble?" Ryder said.
"Wouldn't be surprise if that's the reason." Ethan said.
Just then the door opened and what appears to be a lady, walks in the room.
She looked to appear middle 50's. She had blonde hair that was tied back tightly in a midsection bun. The woman stopped infront of the boys and looked at all of them, one by one dead in the eyes. This made the boys rather uncomfortable. Then the mysterious lady spoke.
"I'm assuming you all are wondering why you are here." She said pausing to see if they would respond. "I'll assure you," she continued, "That none of you are in trouble."
The boys released a sigh of relief.
"T-then w-what are w-we here f-for?" Dylan asked.
"Glad you asked." The woman said smirking.
She started to pace back and forth infront of the boys.
"You are here because you are needed for a special mission." She continued.
The boys looked at each other rather confused.
"W-what special m-mission?" Will asked.
"Well ever sense the great out break of giants becoming a thing the humans decided to treat us not as loving people, but as monsters."
"But why? What have we've done to them that would make them hate us?" Ryder asked.
"Nothing really, but sense the humans are treating us in harsh ways we decided that it needs to end." She continued.
"Who's we?" Dylan asked.
"The president and the giant council." She responded.
All the boys were in shock, it's really that serious?
"Then when do we come in?" Cole asked.
"Well we wanted to send some troops down to the human towns and villages and cities but, we decided against sending the troops."
She paused.
"We decided to send teenage boys to do it, from all around the giant community to go to almost every human town in the state to see how they are like." The mysterious lady said.
The boys took this information in and realized what this meant.
"So I decided to choose you 10 to be the lucky boys to go into the town nearby here."
"Wait a minute! How are we supposed to go into town when we are 50 times their size!?" Michael asked.
"That's a good question which I have an answer to. You boys shall drink a special drink that will allow you to shrink down to the size of them."
"That's awesome! But will we be that size forever?" Shawn asked.
"No the drink will only last until 10 at night, then you will grow back to your normal size. But you can grow back anytime when you're a human but once you do that you can't shrink back down the rest of the day. And each day will reset until the mission is complete and we give you the reset drink."
"Wow, you really have this figured out." Michael said in shock.
"It's an important mission so we must. Are there anymore questions?" The lady asked.
"Yes, where would we stay since we are human by day, but giant by night?" Ethan asked.
"We provided a Cabin very deep in the woods where humans would never step foot into. It's big enough when you are giants, and has human tunnels for when you shrink down." She answered.
"What about food and other stuff?" Tristian asked.
"We will provide lots of money that the humans use there." The lady answered.
"And clothes?" Connor asked.
"Yes all taken care of."
"So do we take notes or something during this experience? And how long are we going to be doing this?" Dylan asked.
"Just fill out a journal every night about the day, and you might be doing this for a tiny bit but not too long. We don't want you to suffer down there for a long time." She responded and chuckled at the end.
"Anymore questions?" She asked.
The boys looked at each other and shook their heads no.
"I do actually." Dylan said.
"Go ahead." She replied.
"Why us? Out of all the boys in town why us? I mean I'm not complaining because I get to be with my friends but just why us?"
"I've been watching you for awhile now." She started.
"Creepy." Ryder said.
"And I thought you boys had everything that we are looking for, you boys have different personalities and different interest that you all seemed fit for the job. We discussed this issue with your parents and they were fine with it."
"Wow." They all said at once.
"Anymore?" She asked.
No one replied.
"Alright then you go to the cabin tonight and start your mission tomorrow."
"Sweet! Thank you for choosing us!" Lucas said.
"No thank you for cooperating." She responded.
The door opened meaning they can leave, and the boys started walking towards it.
"Oh boys there's one more thing." She yelled out to them.
The boys stopped and turned back to her.
"Since you will be there for a tiny bit and you may find a human that you're friends with. Well you all can choose a human and save it."
"Save it from what?" Connor asked.
"When your mission is complete we will invade the human territory and claim it ours once again, we will make the humans get what they deserve." She said.
The boys all gulped.
Then again in history class they are hearing about how terrible humans are and how they have been hurting the giant race and taking our land.
"So we can save a human from the invasion?" Lucas asked.
"Yes, but you can only choose to save one human." She said.
"Choose wisely boys, don't be fooled by the two faced humans." She continued.
And with that the boys nodded and headed out the doors. They all went home and packed their bags and were taken to the cabin where they will all be staying together.
Once the people who brought them their stuff left, the boys were the only ones in the house, they all unloaded their stuff.
"Guys I can't believe we're doing this!" Shawn said excited.
"Same here." Tristian said.
"It's like we're an undercover secret agent or something." Cole said.
"More like an undercover giant!" Ryder said.
All the boys laughed.
"Ok everyone let's drink this nasty looking thing so we can start tomorrow." Dylan said holding a cup of the special stuff the lady told them to drink. The boys went over and got their cups.
"Cheers to our soon to be new lives as humans." Dylan said.
They all took a sip of their drinks and wanted to barf.
"WHAT IS THIS NASTY STUFF!?" Michael yelled.
"Gosh I hope human drinks don't taste like this." Connor said.
"Guys we have to chug it so we can get it over with." Dylan said.
The boys groaned and chugged their drinks, which caused a lot of gagging and fake throwing up noises.
"So tomorrow we wake up as humans?" Lucas asked.
"I guess so." Tristian said.
"Well I don't know about you guys but I'm ready to sleep." Ethan said.
"Same here, plus apparently we have to still go to human school." Will said.
The boys groaned.
"Ugh I bet human school is 10 times worse than our school." Shawn said.
"I feel that way too." Michael said.
"Well we better get a good nights of rest tomorrow, and who knows we might even meet our new "human friend." Dylan said.
"I doubt we will." Michael said.
"You never know." Lucas said closing his eyes.
Then just like that the boys were out like a light.

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