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Thanks for reading! I don't own any of Black Butler! Please let me know if you enjoy!


Ciel Phantomhive looked out of the bedroom window and watched the snow fall.

The bluenette's sapphire eyes followed the carriage as it pulled away, with all of the servants inside.

Ciel let out a breath and put a hand to her lower back as another spasm gripped her spine, curving slowly to the front of her rounded abdomen.

She fought back tears that threatened to fall from her eyes, forcing herself to step away from the window.

It wasn't that she was afraid to do this alone, she would just prefer not to.

The pregnant bluenette eased herself down on the bed and splayed her hands on either side of her belly as she thought.

After today, this would all be over.

She'd spent the last nine months in misery.

It was such a pain in the neck to have to hide, to have to conceal.

Especially from Sebastian.

Sebastian was not one who was easily fooled.

Ciel scowled.

This was also all his fault.

She owed Sebastian quite a bit, he had stayed true to his word. He was always at her side, a good and loyal servant.

However, he cared so much, too much.......

He had always hoped Ciel could be something more than just a master to him.

In the last two years leading up to her twentieth birthday, she had finally opened her heart to his advances.

A small smile lit up her face when she thought of her lover.

Her smile turned into a frown as the baby kicked.

Sebastian had promised that he couldn't have children.

An early injury, he claimed he had been told in his youth.

Ciel looked down at her mounded belly.

Whoever told Sebastian that was a damn liar.

Despite their relationship, Ciel knew from the moment she found out about the pregnancy, she could never tell Sebastian.

Sebastian loved her, he never mentioned loving any others.

He was also extremely jealous and caring for a baby would take lots of attention and time.

Sebastian never mentioned children, what if he rejected the baby in the worst way?

Attempted to remove kill?

Ciel could be cold, yes, but not heartless.

Not heartless enough to kill her own child, anyway.

She had seen enough children suffer.

She would do everything possible to make sure hers did not.

She would have the child adopted into a wealthy family, much like her own, with a loving mother and father.

The baby would want for nothing.

She had made it these nine long months, now all she had to do was birth it.

She had taken private consultations with a midwife under the guise of shopping trips.

She was prepared for today.

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