Makayla D.

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Q1. Who or what inspired you to write?

A1. I've always wrote little stories as a child. I'm not exactly sure how I got started or what inspired me. However, my mom was always there to cheer me on when I would tell her about how many reads a chapter got. I was always very thankful to have her as my number #1 Fan before she passed away.

Q2. Can you give us a hint on your next project?

A2. Next Book will first based out of highschool with a large group of friends!

Q3. What's your favorite genre? And why do you like it?

A3. I love romance involved in other genres. Werewolf books always interested me, but after one the one I'm working on now I will be sticking to romance for a while.

Q4. How do you get ideas about your characters and back stories?

A4. They just come to me randomly. My latest book I had a thought of before bed one night. It just flows out of me, I'm not sure of the source besides my imagination.

Q5. What is your proudest book?

A5. My most read and liked book by readers is "For You." I continue to grow as a writer, so "The Tracking" would probably be my proudest accomplishment that shows how I've developed into a better writer.

Q6. When did you start writing?

A6. Back when I was a little girl, but my first conpleted book I was a little younger than sixteen!

Q7. Do you love writing and why?

A7. I love it because it takes me away from some of life's struggles. I can create these characters and stories that end the way I want to. I like having control over that and making characters others can relate to. I honestly feel anxious if I don't write.

Q8. What hints or ideas would you give future writers?

A8. Just take the leap. Dive in and don't be afraid you're not good enough. I look back at my first book and I think that it needs major work. However, a lot of wattpad readers love it! Just remember that there is always room for improvement, but you don't have to be perfect.

Q9. Who is an author you would tell people to look at (you may choose more than one)?

A9. EverlarkCatoniss

Q10. Who would you love to see next on the Fame and why?

A10. I would love to maybe see the author I mentioned above because her writing really inspired me. She's brilliant and so soulful in her writing.

Q11. Do u listen to music while u write? If so what music do u listen to?

A11. I do not listen to music, mostly because I write at work and customers come in frequently. However, if I did I would listen to Sleeping At Last!

Q12. Where did your name come from?

A12. My name, Kaylad21, came from part of my name Makayla. D is the first letter of my last name and 21 was just a number I really liked! I hope to change my name soon to something a little more nice!

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