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Warning: This story contains swearing and violence.

The neighborhood wasn't shy to the sounds and screams coming from the Mai home, it was nothing new. Ever since the daughter who lived in the home started acting up the past few months, the neighbors around have become immune to the sounds. The police were only called the first few times the arguments have taken place, the rest of the calls come from Sora's parents. Sora has never been charged or taken to jail but the police did have to break up a few of the worst fights that have occurred.

The loud crashes from Sora throwing objects around the house have woken up the old woman who lived right next to the house, she was worried for the family she prayed that things would work out for them soon. The old woman knew Sora was a good girl and deserved to go back to her old happy self, she just hoped it was sooner than later. It was sad that the Mai family was dealing with this but it was even sadder for the outsiders to watch it happen. The family was once one of the happiest and most desirable families in the neighbor but now no one wanted to be them, no one wanted to even be in contact with them.

Everyone thought they knew a devil child in their life but Sora made those children look like angels. Since her behavioral change, Sora lost a lot of things, including friends and even school scholarships. This was Sora's fourth year in college and her final year, it looked like this year was going to be left unfinished. She refused to go to school and because of this, her B+ student status had changed to a D- student. Sora wasn't the best at school but she did try her best but ever since she changed school was the least of her worries.

"You need help, Sora," Her mother said through gritted teeth. "You're a psycho," This was nothing new to the family, Sora called her parents names and they called her names right back, not helping the situation at all.

"I hate you," Sora said meaning every word, she picked up the nearest object which happened to be a plate and threw it at her mother. You could see the fear in Mrs. Mei's eyes, she was frightened of her own daughter.

"Your daughter is insane," Mrs. Mei shouted to her husband but he ignored her, he was busy with catching up with his work. Being distracted all the time by the way Sora acted had been messing up what he gets done at work. Mr. Mei really tried his best to block as much of the argument out as he could.

All this time Mrs. Mei was shouting for Mr. Mei, Sora had picked up a piece of the broken glass plate from the ground. Of course, Sora wasn't that much of a psycho that she would kill someone but she did want to scare her mother. Once her mother saw what was in Sora's hand she made a run for it down the hallway to her bedroom. "You ruined my life," Sora shouted just standing there for a moment before she took off ruining after her mother, her feet pounding against the hard wooden floor. She had dropped the broken glass on the floor outside her parent's bedroom. "You ruined my life," She shouted again, she began to pound her fist against the door so hard that she was hurting herself, her hand would end bruising.

On the other side of the door, Mrs. Mei sat on her bed scared that her daughter was going to break the door down, tears streaming down her cheeks as she listened to her daughter shout at her. Mrs. Mei had no idea where she had gone wrong with raising Sora, they were best friends ever since Sora was born but just a few months ago it seemed as they were enemies. All Mrs. Mei has ever done for the girl was with love, she always poured her heart out to give Sora the world.

Mr. Mei knew this was going too far tonight and he was fed up with everything. He walked with a strong stride out of his home office and down the hall to Sora, she had not noticed him coming at her with full force. As soon as Mr. Mei reached Sora he pushed her up against the door in a tight hold, there was no way she could move now. "Shut up, your mother doesn't deserve to be talked to like that, you bitch," He shouted right in Sora's ear.

Sora started to scream as loud as she could and swung her hand back to hit her father in the face, this didn't faze him. Mr. Mei pushed Sora against the door again making her yelp out in pain as her face smashed against the door. Before her father could do anything else Sora kicked her foot back to hit him in the knee, she knew this was a good spot to hit because her father had a bad knee. This gave her time to run away, she ran to the living room and started tearing the room up. Couch cushions were on the floor, nicknacks were also on the floor a few of them smashed from the force of Sora throwing them on the ground.

You could hear Mr. Mei groaning as he made his way to the living room, he was furious himself he couldn't believe his child was acting like this. "You little skank," He shouted at Sora, he didn't care if he hurt her feelings because she had brought hurt and shame on the whole family for months now.

Sora's fists balled up at her side as she turned to look at her father. "I hate you so much, I hate this whole house. You're not even my real father, mom is a whore who cheated on you because you're a fucking loser," None of this was true, Mr. Mei was Sora's father and he wasn't a loser, he made a living and made sure his family is getting everything they need.

"Shut up," Mr. Mei shouted and grabbed Sora's hands tightly, he ended up being able to push her all the way to her bedroom. Once she was inside her room Sora was pushed on the bed while Mr. Mei ran out of the room.

"Fuck you," Sora yelled as loud as she could and ran to open her door but she couldn't, it was locked. Out of confusion, her eyebrows raised up as she jiggled the doorknob harshly, she then realized that the doorknob was changed so the lock was on the other side of the door. This was a new change in the house that happened this morning while Sora was in a deep sleep. It was smart of her parents to do that so they could get away from her when needed. With one last frustrated scream, Sora turned around and went to go sit on her bed, the whole night she thought about what had happened and how there was nothing she could do to fix this. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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