Part 1

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•/Jeonghwa's pov\•
It's been a few years and I finally graduated college, I got offered to become a assistant at a really small but nice company. My parents were really proud so they let me move back to Korea, I'll miss Japan but it's been so long since I been to Korea.

I had some cousins in Korea and they invited me to live with them so I accepted, I get along with my cousin pretty great their like my best friends so I was really excited to go back. When my plane arrived in Korea it was sunset, I was greeted with my cousins holding a banner with my name on it saying Welcome to Korea Jeonghwa! I ran to them and gave them a hug.

"Unnie!" I said hugging my cousin Solji who was the oldest.

"Jeonghwa! Look at you! Your so grown up!" She said as she hugged me really tight.

"Hey! It's my turn!" I heard my cousin yell.

"Hani oppa!!" I said as I ran over to her.

"Woah Jeonghwa! You used to be the little baby of the family but look at you girl!" Hani said, I started to laugh. Than I felt someone hugging me and Hani, I looked behind me and saw cousin Hyerin.

"You scared me for a second!" I said as I began to hug her.

"Your so tall! I'm only a year older than you!" Hyerin said.

"I missed you guys-wait, where's LE?" I said.

"She got tired waiting so she's in the car napping." Hyerin said.

"That sounds like Unnie, I wanna go surprise her!!" I said as I grabbed my bags, Solji lead the way to her car which LE is sleeping in. Once we made it I ran over to the car to the passenger seat and stared tapping on the window.

LE woke up and looked around and saw me she than rolled down her window down than said, "Can I help you?" She said sounding like she was half asleep.

"Unnie! It's me! Remember?!" I said smiling trying not to laugh at her.

She looked at me for a second than rubbed her eyes than she started to smile. "Jeonghwa!! You grown up so much I didn't even recognize you!!" She said as she got out of the car and gave me a hug.

"I'm glad you remember me Unnie!" I said hugging her back.

"Come on guys let's go home! I'm making dinner!" Solji said as she got in the car, we were than driving home it was night and I got to see the beautiful lights of Seoul. Solji was driving, LE was in the passenger seat, and I was was sitting in the middle of Hyerin and Hani.

"So how was your flight?" Solji asked.

"It was great! It was very smooth." I said.

"How was Japan? Do you like it more there?" Hyerin asked.

"Japan was nice but I miss it here."

"Do you listen to Jpop?" LE asked.

"Not really because I didn't really understand much of it so I just stayed listening to Kpop."

"Make any good friends?" Hani asked.

"Yeah the people there are very nice and respectful."

"Hey Jeonghwa." LE said as she turned to me.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Didn't you use to wear a necklace with a key on it?" She asked.

"Yeah I still have it, it's in my bag I always take it with me."

"Sorry I just had to ask, anytime we FaceTime you and last time you were here you always had it on." LE said.

"Who gave it to you?" Hyerin asked.

"Myself." I said laughing a bit.

"Does it mean anything?" Hani asked.

"No not re-" Than I remembered, last time I was here.

"Kookie." I said in shock.

"You want a cookie?" Solji asked. Than I was remembering everything I said and the promise I made to him,

"Oh my goodness, Kookie!" I said excitedly.

"Ok I can pull over to a 7/11 and get you a cookie."

"Hey!!! I want one to!" Hyerin said.

"I want some chips." LE said. Than a few seconds later we were at 7/11.

"Ok Jeonghwa pick any cookie you like." Solji said.

"Unnie I didn't mean a cookie, I was talking about my friend Kookie." I said.

"Oh he imaginary?" She looking confused.

"No! He's real, I hung out with him in my parents office when they used to work here." I explained.

"Than why were you saying Kookie? What's his real name?" She asked.

"I don't know, that's the only thing I called him before, but I gave him a locket and promised him one day I'll move back to Korea and find him."

"That's sweet, but how are you going to find him Jeonghwa?!" Solji said.

"I don't know, but I will!" I said with confidence.

"Come on let's go! I'm hungry." Hyerin and LE said as they were waiting at the counter. We got Hyerin a cookie and LE got some chips and we went home.

We ate dinner made by Solji and Hani and I helped a bit and it was great, we ate and talked and that was about it. LE showed me my room which was the guest room but now it's mine and I started to unpack.

I unpacked my clothes and shoes than I saw a little box from my parents at the bottom of my luggage, It had a note they gave and a picture of us 3, than in the box was the necklace with the key on it.

"I'll find you Kookie." I said as I looked at the necklace and held it up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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